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Trump Keeps Fighting The Bureaucrats
Trump’s campaign to curb the power of independent federal agencies will have a gigantic impact on the “ bureaucratic state.” Liberals or leftists have for decades used the independent federal agencies as a means to impede the agendas of Republican Presidents while supporting the agendas of Democrat Presidents. The National…

Federal Workers Are Using A Government Security Network To Discuss Gay Sex Parties
Just when we think we have learned all we can about weirdness in the federal bureaucracy, more revelations are made. America’s National Security Agency (NSA), under Biden, allowed wokeness to take their focus off protecting our citizens, The NSA has a messaging system called Intelink which is supposed to allow…

Trump Is Standing Firm
The bureaucrats are beginning to realize they have no stomach for a fight with Trump. Their supporters in the press have failed to convince Americans to oppose Trump’s crusade to uncover the waste and fraud in our federal government. Federal workers, for years, have gained power by outlasting any attempts…

Trump Let The DOGES Out!
The Democrats are flustered by the pace of Trump’s DOGE team. Ironically, the Democrats cannot remember that just a few months ago, they were opposed to government waste. Last spring when Dr. Jill Biden was still our acting President, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report that estimated the…

When Trump Cuts Spending, Democrats Scream
The Democrats are proving to America why they should never be trusted with power. Just like the mainstream media, the Democrats are attempting to stop the Republicans from any attempts to eliminate waste and fraud in the federal government. As I have written many times, Democrats, when in power, appoint…

Bob McCann: In Search Of Gr$$ner Pastures?
Why do so many politicians make it obvious that they are running for office so they can get a pay raise? These politicians run for office claiming they are on a crusade to help the citizens of their county. Too often it becomes evident that their campaign claims were just…