There is a new sheriff in Washington DC and some Democrat office holders are converting from leftist idealism to the world of common sense. Washington State has suffered under decades of Democrat leadership and the result is their economy and citizens have suffered. 

For years, Democrats across the country and RINOs in Manatee county have focused their energies on protecting government bureaucrats. The taxpayers are often taken for granted by Democrats and RINOs and the result is a bloated and inefficient government where bureaucrats are well paid with better benefits than the taxpayers.

In areas where the bureaucrats are unchecked, tight controls on construction leads to higher housing costs and the hard working middle class taxpayers are forced to move away while the government bureaucrats thrive.

Washington State recently elected Democrat Bob Ferguson as their new Governor. Ferguson immediately began talking about cost savings for the government. After years of prior leftist Governors, Ferguson stated: “Our state is unaffordable for many Washingtonians. We rank … .last-per capita, in the number of law enforcement officers.”

Ferguson talked about Washington’s broken ferry system and their “behavioral health” crisis. He then caused many Democrats to call their analysts when he stated: “Our state government is bogged down by too much bureaucracy.”

Ferguson noted the red tape that had built up in the building process and in government agencies. Ferguson also promised to slow down state spending. He later said: “I’m not here to defend government. I’m here to reform it.” This is not something that Democrats and RINOs like hearing. 

Governor Ferguson has seen the failures of his state’s bureaucrats to meet the basic needs of the citizens. 

Nationally, Trump was elected because many Americans have watched our government bureaucrats living “high on the hog.”

Hopefully, across the country, we will begin to see a throttling back of government regulations and budgets. Too often, Republican and Democrat politicians are unwilling to upset the bureaucrats and the taxpayers are the ones that suffer.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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