The Democrats And The Press Have Lied To America
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The Democrats And The Press Have Lied To America

The Democrat Party and its supporters in the press were willing to lie to the American public about the state of Joe Biden’s health. These people loved power so much they willingly engaged in a conspiracy to prevent the American public from learning how fragile was the health of President Biden. Over and over, Democrat…

The Media Ignores Biden’s Coddling Of Racists
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The Media Ignores Biden’s Coddling Of Racists

Remember Charlottesville? White supremacists marched through the streets of the Virginia town and a car rammed into some of the marchers. The leftist press went bonkers and blamed the whole racist movement on : Guess Who? Trump. The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS and ABC demanded that the whole nation must reject Donald…

Biden Loves Leftist Weirdos And Manatee Democrats Support DeSantis Hating Republicans
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Biden Loves Leftist Weirdos And Manatee Democrats Support DeSantis Hating Republicans

Manatee Democrats do not want the voters to find out about Biden’s appointees to the White House staff. Manatee Democrats want to re-elect George Kruse to the Manatee County Commission and they support Siddique for the commission and Farrington for the Supervisor of Elections but they don’t want you to find out about Tyler Cherry,…

Biden Turns A Blind Eye To Terrorists Entering America
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Biden Turns A Blind Eye To Terrorists Entering America

Joe Biden and the Democrats have allowed wto enter our country. This is not a joke! Biden and the Democrats have allowed terrorists to enter our country.  Last week the Justice Department announced the capture of eight Tajiks  who are suspected terrorists with ties to the Islamic State (ISIS). It is hard to believe but…

Solar Power: The Democrat’s Fleecing Of Taxpayers
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Solar Power: The Democrat’s Fleecing Of Taxpayers

The Democrats keep pushing solar energy as a way to save our planet from extinction. Over the last 50 years, there has been over a HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in government subsidies for the solar energy industry. In spite of this unprecedented tax dollar investment, solar energy only accounts for less than 4% of American electricity. …

Something Is Wrong With Uncle Joe
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Something Is Wrong With Uncle Joe

The Wall Street Journal published an article on June 5th that broached the least hidden story of this election cycle: the mental decline of Joe Biden. One of the anecdotes shared in the article was from those in attendance at a recent meeting Biden had with congressional leaders. The President read directly from notes when…

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The leftists that control the Biden Administration continue to mock hard working Americans that have a moral compass. The Democrats have gone to war with “traditional values.”  Their latest preposterous action is to publish a Title IX rule that will reinterpret “sex discrimination” to include “gender identity.” The effect of this change will be staggering!…

Democrats Are Giving Billions Of Tax Dollars To Help Illegals Enter Our Country
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Democrats Are Giving Billions Of Tax Dollars To Help Illegals Enter Our Country

The American taxpayers are being robbed by the Biden Administration. The Democrats have opened our border to allow unfettered access to our country by millions of foreigners From China and Central America. Illegal Aliens are crossing into our country almost as easy as leaving Florida to Georgia.  Most Americans are unaware that Biden is giving…

Manatee Democrats Join With Leftist Democrats In Support Of Hamas
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Manatee Democrats Join With Leftist Democrats In Support Of Hamas

Manatee Democrats and their online newspaper pitched a hissy fit this week because the Manatee County Commission voiced its support for Israel in their conflict with Hamas. The Democrats have turned into the anti semitic party that gives support to Hamas while condemning Israel for protecting its citizens. Back in the 1980’s the Democrats accused…