Manatee Democrats do not want the voters to find out about Biden’s appointees to the White House staff. Manatee Democrats want to re-elect George Kruse to the Manatee County Commission and they support Siddique for the commission and Farrington for the Supervisor of Elections but they don’t want you to find out about Tyler Cherry, Biden’s appointee to the Communications Office in the White House.
We are discussing this appointment because Biden has appointed so many leftists since he was elected President. This one hardly stands out but he continues with the Biden history of appointing people who hate the police.

Tyler, who loves dressing up in slinky dresses and earrings, has tweeted that “police= slave patrols.” Tyler said it was “time to remember that the modern day policing system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs.”
Tyler, who is a white male, also hates white people. He stated that Iowa should not be the first state to host a Presidential primary because it has too many whites.
Cherry has also been a frequent protester against Israel and a supporter of Hamas. He also called on the Trump Administration to abolish ICE so it would be easier for illegal aliens to enter our country.
Why would Biden appoint this person to the White House staff? Does anyone believe that John F. Kennedy or Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton would appoint such a leftist to a White House position? I think not.
Biden is making this appointment because he is not in control. The leftist wing of the Democrat Party wants leftists like Cherry to control the White House. These leftists tell Biden who he should appoint and he complies.
When the Manatee Democrats tell you to vote for George (the tree jumped in front of me) Kruse and Scott (I was never in the office) Farrington and former Democrat Siddique, remember these Democrats also support Tyler Cherry, the police hating Biden appointee.
This coming election is so important on the local level and the national level. We cannot allow the Democrats (or the Democrats who switched to the Republican Party recently) to get a foothold in this county.
Don’t believe the blather from a former state senator who crashed a government job because supposedly he had refused to pay back his bank loans.
These “Republicans” (Bennett, Kruse, Farrington and Siddique) have worked against Governor DeSantis and his conservative agenda. If we elect them, Tyler Cherry will be leaving the White House to move to Manatee County.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald