Tales from the Mark Side: Assaulting assaulters assault the word assault
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Tales from the Mark Side: Assaulting assaulters assault the word assault

mark.young@manateeherald.com The latest media and democrat barrage about “assault” rifles and “weapons of war” following the tragic shooting at the private Covenant Elementary School in Nashville had me up all night. I stood vigil over my own firearms all night trying to catch them in the act of leaving my home and hurting people. They…

Tales from the Mark Side: A snapshot of media manipulation over the years
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Tales from the Mark Side: A snapshot of media manipulation over the years

mark.young@manateeherald.com We all know by now how much the mainstream media lies and manipulates, and over the course of our visits, I have shared my own experiences of media bias from my time inside of newsrooms. I thought I’d take a look back at some of the biggest headlines over the past few years as…

Tales from the Mark Side: Indoctrination in our schools is just the tip of the iceberg
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Tales from the Mark Side: Indoctrination in our schools is just the tip of the iceberg

mark.young@manateeherald.com In today’s episode of Captain Obvious, the House Judiciary Committee has determined Biden’s justice department had no basis to target parents who were raising educational concerns across America. How shocking. The report said, “This weaponization of law-enforcement powers against American parents exercising their First Amendment rights is dangerous.” Ya think? It’s pretty amazing common…

Tales from the Mark Side: Denial of the truth doesn’t make it false
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Tales from the Mark Side: Denial of the truth doesn’t make it false

mark.young@manateeherald.com It was no surprise this week that a paper trail led Congress to discover that the Biden family received $3 million from a Chinese government owned energy company. It adds to the millions of dollars given to the family by Russia, China and of course Ukraine which paid Hunter Biden millions for doing nothing….

Tales from the Mark Side: Do liberals ever do a good job? It’s a rhetorical question
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Tales from the Mark Side: Do liberals ever do a good job? It’s a rhetorical question

mark.young@manateeherald.com I’m sure you’ve had your fill of my personal banking issues given my rant during our last visit, but my first attempt at transitioning to a new bank wasn’t what I expected. Long story short, I walked into my potential new bank and it was me, one teller, and the branch manager. There wasn’t…

Tales from the Mark Side: An apology – of sorts – to liberals
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Tales from the Mark Side: An apology – of sorts – to liberals

mark.young@manateeherald.com If you’ve lived long enough, then you know loyalty isn’t what it used to be whether it’s relationships, so-called friends, some family members, politics or a plethora of other life aspects. With age comes the understanding that some people in your lives either have or will burn you at some point. But we, for…

Tales from the Mark Side: Life sure used to be a lot more simple
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Tales from the Mark Side: Life sure used to be a lot more simple

mark.young@manateeherald.com Life sure used to be a lot more simple. Remember when honesty was the best policy? You never had a single thing to worry about as long as the truth was on your side. But that doesn’t seem to matter anymore and that, my friends, is perhaps the scariest thing out of all the…

Tales from the Mark Side: The trouble with liberals …
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Tales from the Mark Side: The trouble with liberals …

mark.young@manateeherald.com The trouble with liberals …  Liberals continue to confound me. I have tried so hard to understand them for so long. I tried to sympathize with them because we’ve learned that they suffer from a mental disorder. Conservatives are a compassionate people after all, but we do have our limits. I’ve tried to engage…

Tales from the Mark Side: Let’s move on from COVID and find a cure for liberalism
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Tales from the Mark Side: Let’s move on from COVID and find a cure for liberalism

mark.young@manateeherald.com For most of us, the origins of the COVID pandemic was pretty obvious from the onset. For us, the only real question was whether or not it was deliberate on the part of the Chinese. I think I’m not alone in believing that it was. And to put that into perspective, Nazi Germany murdered…