The Press Can’t Hide The Racism Of Democrats
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The Press Can’t Hide The Racism Of Democrats

The press has begun their campaign to re-elect Joe Biden as President. This campaign requires the press to act like the ROTC student in Animal House who shouted at the panicked crowd: “Remain calm, all is well.” Each passing week, the press has to work harder to convince people that what they see is not…

Colonization Was Not All Bad
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Colonization Was Not All Bad

Watching the spoiled kids on northeastern college campuses as they protest against Jews and Israel, one cannot help but remember that these kids just aren’t that smart. Many of these students have been coddled through private and public schools where everyone passes and the lowest grade is a B-. The kids from wealthier families may…

Chinese Americans Are Turning Away From Leftist Democrats
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Chinese Americans Are Turning Away From Leftist Democrats

The Democrats are starting to realize that when you take your voting base for granted and focus on releasing criminals from jail and transgender rights, you might lose power. George Soros began giving money to Democrats who would promise to stop arresting minorities who commit crimes. Chesa Boudin was happy to take the Soros money…

Biden, Please Protect Our Children
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Biden, Please Protect Our Children

One of the saddest incidents in American medical history is what the leftists are doing to our children that are put through the  transgender process. The American medical establishment has  been captured by leftists who are sacrificing children who have experienced discomfort with their biological sex.  Many physicians and medical hospitals have put young people…

Biden Pushes Inflation In Federal Pojects
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Biden Pushes Inflation In Federal Pojects

Biden and the Democrats are determined to push inflation higher by increasing the cost of federal construction contracts. The Business Observer reported that Biden has issued a regulation that gives construction companies that use union workers a huge advantage when they bid on federal contracts. Biden requires Project Labor Agreements (PLAs)  on federal contracts. This…

Democrats Attempt To Screw Up Our Schools Like They Have Screwed Our Cities
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Democrats Attempt To Screw Up Our Schools Like They Have Screwed Our Cities

Any male above the age of 50 probably received some form of corporal punishment while attending school. Males (for our Democrat readers we are referring to a human with a penis) are programmed to push boundaries in their school years and inevitably, in the past, such behavior led to corporal punishment.  I often trudged to…

Oregon Has Tired Of Easy Drug Laws
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Oregon Has Tired Of Easy Drug Laws

Another liberal Democrat controlled state has begun pushing back against the George Soros decriminalization agenda. Oregon followed along with the Soros agenda in 2020 when they made drug possession a misdemeanor. Users, if caught with methamphetamines and heroin received at most a $100 fine.  Surprise, surprise, opioid overdoses that resulted in death rose from 280…

Democrats Continue To Support Hamas In Exchange For Their Votes
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Democrats Continue To Support Hamas In Exchange For Their Votes

Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren has joined with Hamas and accused Israel of  genocide. The Democrat leftist (famous for claiming to be an American Indian to get a job teaching at Harvard) was asked by a crowd of Hamas supporters if Israel was guilty of genocide. Warren replied: “I believe that they’ll (The International Court) find…