One of the saddest incidents in American medical history is what the leftists are doing to our children that are put through the transgender process. The American medical establishment has been captured by leftists who are sacrificing children who have experienced discomfort with their biological sex.
Many physicians and medical hospitals have put young people through major life-altering surgery in order to obtain wealth. Joe Biden and the Democrats have endorsed this butchery of children.
Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of children who have been put on puberty blockers because they had expressed a discomfort with their sexual orientation. Many have had surgery performed on them to permanently alter their physical makeup. Anyone with common sense knows that this is not something that should be done to children. Sadly, the proponents of this are ideological zealots who aggressively demand that this barbaric practice should be allowed on children.
Fortunately, over the past few years, scientists and physicians have been standing up to the political zealots and demanding that science, not politics, be allowed to guide this process.
The National Healthcare Service in the United Kingdom commissioned a study of the National Health Service’s treatment of young people who were feeling discomfort with their biological sex.
The report determined that “gender medicine” is “an area of remarkably weak evidence.” The report noted that the guidelines developed by the World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare had become highly influential but that the guidelines “lacked developmental rigor.” In medical speak this is a major diss that shows that this area is dominated by politics and not science.
The sad reality is that physicians and medical establishments around the world were using the guidelines from this Association. The guidelines were not scientifically backed up. Children were having their sex organs permanently removed as a result. This was not a nose piercing that could be removed but major surgery with a lifetime of implications.
The United Kingdom report, known as the Cass Report, was commissioned after it was discovered that a clinic was practicing transgender surgery on children after “cursory examinations.”
The Cass Report found no evidence that prescribing puberty-blocking hormones gave young people “time to think” about their gender identity. The report also found that using these puberty-blocking hormones could distort a young person’s developing gender identity.
After investigation, it appears that many of the young people given the life altering medication may have just been uncomfortable identifying as gay or lesbian.
After the Cass Report was reviewed, the United Kingdom shut down the clinic that was performing so many gender altering surgeries on children. The Cass Report seems to be a turning point in how the world views the treatment of children with questions about their sexual identity.
Other European countries, Norway and Sweden, have cut back the availability of these life altering drugs for use by children. These countries are waiting for more scientific research to be performed on this issue.
Recently, a Dutch study tracked 2700 children over the course of 15 years. The study determined that 11% of the participants were struggling with their gender identity in early childhood. The study found that by the age of 26, only 4% of the people in the study still had issues with their gender identity.
The study noted that “gender non-contentedness, while being common during early adolescence, in general decreases with age.”

The study seems to reveal that many of the people who have transgender feelings, ultimately grow out of these feelings. If life altering treatments are given while the child is still developing, they often have to detransition in an attempt to go back to their original sex.
It is sad that in America, the Democrats have not “followed the science” in this crucial treatment of children. The Democrats are allowing physical harm to young children who are emotionally unstable in order to placate their leftists voters. Josef Mengele did this in the Nazi concentration camps. Biden is endorsing similar experiments in America.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald