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Chinese Americans Are Turning Away From Leftist Democrats

The Democrats are starting to realize that when you take your voting base for granted and focus on releasing criminals from jail and transgender rights, you might lose power.

George Soros began giving money to Democrats who would promise to stop arresting minorities who commit crimes. Chesa Boudin was happy to take the Soros money and it allowed him to be elected as District Attorney in San Francisco. After Boudin’s election, criminals were released onto the streets and within a few years, San Francisco degenerated from a beautiful city to a crime-ridden homeless encampment. 

Visitors to San Francisco are greeted at auto rental counters with warnings to never leave anything in one’s rental car because thieves will break into the car.

Chinese-Americans make up about 20% of the population of San Francisco. They began to be frustrated with the leftist Democrats that held the political power in San Francisco. 

The Chinese-American voters grew incensed at the Democrat political establishment during the pandemic because of the prolonged school closures that were demanded by the public school unions. They were also incensed when the Democrats moved away from merit based admissions to an elite high school. (For our Democrat readers, that means that Democrats gave admissions to an elite high school based on race and sexual preference and not based on academic success)

The Chinese-Americans have also become the victims of crime from African-American criminals. One Chinese-American was killed and District Attorney Boudin said the culprit had experienced a “temper tantrum.”

The voters had finally had enough of these Democrats’ shenanigans so they voted Boudin out of office in a recall election. The Chinese-Americans have helped pass rules that give the police more power. They also recalled three left-wing school board members.

The feelings of many Chinese-Americans were summed up by Sabrina Chiang, an 82 year-old who speaks in Cantonese. She is afraid to walk outside at night so she wants “to see a safe city.”

The failed experiments of leftist Democrats have tarnished the reputation of a city that was known for its beauty. Fortunately, the Chinese-American community is rejecting the leftist Democrats and their agenda.This rebellion may save the beautiful “City by the Bay.”

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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