Tales from the Mark Side: Can the left get nuttier? Target: Hold my Bud Light
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Tales from the Mark Side: Can the left get nuttier? Target: Hold my Bud Light

mark.young@manateeherald.com Can someone please find me a reasonable liberal? I just have not been able to do it despite having – more than I care to admit – democratic friends. These are intelligent people but finding a shred of common sense within them is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a…

Tales from the Mark Side: Transgender nuns selected for ‘community hero award’
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Tales from the Mark Side: Transgender nuns selected for ‘community hero award’

mark.young@manateeherald.com There are times when I’m pretty sure that Facebook retaliates against me. Not by restricting my account because even their army of 41,000 fact checkers can never dispute the facts I present in my postings. That, by the way, is proof that every unqualified person out there who lacks intelligence and common sense can…

Tales from the Mark Side: ‘Another brick in the wall,’ the battle for justice in schools
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Tales from the Mark Side: ‘Another brick in the wall,’ the battle for justice in schools

mark.young@manateeherald.com Every generation seems to argue that “their music” is the best, but sorry to tell you that the music of the 60s-80s is the best of all time and there will likely never be anything like it again. It was a time when music fueled – whether good or bad – cultural revolutions, called…

Tales from the Mark Side: Durham report shows the left’s ‘serial killer’ mentality
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Tales from the Mark Side: Durham report shows the left’s ‘serial killer’ mentality

mark.young@manateeherald.com Ever wondered what happened to serial killers? We really haven’t seen a national media frenzy relating to a serial killer since Ted Bundy. Estimates today say the number of serial killers operating in the U.S. have gone from several hundred in the 1970s and 80s to a few dozen today. But we don’t hear…

Tales from the Mark Side: Trump vs. Desantis: where do you stand?
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Tales from the Mark Side: Trump vs. Desantis: where do you stand?

mark.young@manateeherald.com If you’ve been following this journey for a while, you know my worst nightmare is playing out in front of me with this showdown between our great former president and our great governor. It’s like watching your two best friends fight. It’s hard to root for either one and you just hope that neither…

Tales from the Mark Side: Just another week of liberal craziness
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Tales from the Mark Side: Just another week of liberal craziness

Zzzzzz. Another slow news week. All we’ve had this week – so far – is actual banking evidence of Joe Biden’s financial corruption and the selling out of America, California’s insane slavery reparations recommendation and the equivalent of another Salem witch trial against President Donald J. Trump. Oh, and Tucker Carlson announces he’ll do his…