Confessions of a Conservative: ‘I am an ultra MAGA extremist’
“If Biden and the left think Conservative values are extreme, well then so be it.” Mark Young shares a confession that many of you will agree with. Do you share his view?
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“If Biden and the left think Conservative values are extreme, well then so be it.” Mark Young shares a confession that many of you will agree with. Do you share his view?
“Only Commissioner Kruse knows the truth at this point, regardless of how the court process plays out because of the way it was handled.” Mark Young
Mark Young says he has tip-toed around this topic for a long time, but no more. He shares his feelings on the issue as many others have. Do you agree?
Mark Young claims the disinformation board is a direct attack on free speech and an attempt to strip that God-given right away from all of us. Do you agree?
I’ve reached the inescapable conclusion that (Sanders’) conduct must be examined by his peers and the public.” – City Administrator Rob Perry
Mark Young walks us though the difference between the left and liberalism as well as why he believes we are, in fact, in a spiritual war.
Bradenton Police Officer Jessica Sirignano receives the Life Saving Award.
In this episode, we give you a chance to get to know Landefeld. He shares how he got involved in the race, his thoughts on things that need to get done, and his approach on how to accomplish these tasks.
Unfortunately, we don’t have McFly, Doc and the time-traveling DeLorean on the case. It remains up to us. We can’t change the past, but we do have the power to change the future. Mark Young tells us more.