Tales from the Mark Side: The Conservative Voice in Manatee County
Abortion: Time to look the devil in the eye
By Mark Young
Sometimes I wonder if a giant planet-killing meteor was heading toward earth and I was Superman, whether I would save mankind from extinction.
I admit that I would probably give it some thought, but would ultimately save the world. Not for mankind, but more so to save all the dogs. Dogs are much more worthy than humans.
Abortion is one of those reasons of whether or not I believe mankind of worthy of saving. Ultimately millions of us are.
Abortion is such an ugly word and rightfully so given the very nature of what it is.
This is a subject I’ve tip-toed around for a long time, but no more. The reason I’ve largely stayed out of this debate as a pro-life Conservative is because I’ve known women who have gone through with killing their unborn babies.
The emotional scars this decision has left on their soul gives me enough pause to know that it is not my right to fully judge them. It’s not my place to be the judge. That’s left to God.
But I know their choice was not an easy one given what they were going through in their lives when they made that fateful decision.
That is what has made me hesitate to quickly jump into the abortion debate in the past. But I also know that the women I have known who have endured those emotional scars are much different than the majority of the pro-choice movement.
Watching these women protest in front of the Supreme Court after the leak of Justice Alito’s Roe vs. Wade brief disgusted me. It’s not the first time these types of women have made my stomach turn so expressing my thoughts is long overdue.
We’ll get to the actual facts of that leaked brief in a minute, but any woman who wears a T-shirt that brags, “I got an abortion,” and proudly boasts about it, is at the heart of my internal debate of whether I’d stop the planet from being destroyed.
It’s sickening what these women say about abortion, putting some sense of self-choice above and beyond the life of a child. It’s ironic that many of these same people would be the ones protesting at a prison calling the execution of a child-killing monster, “state-sanctioned murder.”
The, “My body, my choice,” argument is ridiculous. First of all, their so-called choice about their bodies becomes irrelevant when another body becomes part of the equation.
Secondly, they like to shout out the nonsensical argument that no one has the right to tell them what to do regarding their choice to extinguish life. Well, if that were true then no one should be able to tell me to show up at a pro-choice rally with a flame thrower and burn such vermin to a crisp.
Yes, it is the same thing. You don’t have the right to kill another human being without cause. It’s the one law that intersects both man’s and God’s law.
I do understand that sometimes there is a cause such as rape or incest. And while I don’t believe abortion should be a form of birth control, I can live with certain actions taken in special circumstances such as taking a Plan B after a sexual assault.
It’s why I strongly support these heartbeat bills being passed in various states.
Technology has come a long way, but even 15 years ago, sonograms showed when the heart began to beat. I know the first time I saw that happen it was like seeing a bright star twinkle in a dark sky.
It was the moment, in my opinion, that life began and a soul was created.
Sadly, in my case, that heart stopped beating on its own a few weeks later, but I know that baby’s soul carried on with another heavenly purpose.
For anyone to brag, boast and demand they have the right to willingly do something to stop that little heart from beating makes them the same kind of monster sitting on death row for slaughtering innocent human beings.
How dare pro-choice braggers try to separate themselves from any other murderer. It’s absolute nonsense.
If you are a person who puts on a shirt bragging about your abortion and shouting out some ridiculous and false argument about your rights to kill another human being, you are a murderer.
Sorry, not sorry, but it’s true and if you can clearly carry on with your life with no remorse, and are able to live without some sense of regret, you really are a monster.
Even Jane Roe herself came to understand that truth and has had to endure the grief of her famous court battle and the millions of little souls who never saw the light of day and pursue their God-given lives.
Now let’s get to the reality of this Alito leak because it’s clearly another a leftist political operation.
The facts are very clear, but unfortunately these facts won’t matter and the left knows it.
Alito’s brief is not a decision. It is an opinion that the court made the wrong decision 50 years ago as far as whether abortion is a Constitutional right. It’s not and Alito is 100% correct.
Even if the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade on those grounds, all it does is send abortions back to the individual states to decide, and ultimately the voters.
What would happen is that many states would adopt common-sense legislation like the heartbeat bills. Yes, some states would outright ban abortions while others would keep the status quo.
So if you want to commit murder, it would just make it a little more inconvenient for you to do so. You might have to hop on a bus and cross state lines to commit your atrocity.
Sorry about that.
Alito’s brief was written in February so the timing of the leak is not coincidence as democrats face an abortion of their own in the midterms.
The democrats had absolutely no rallying cries to speak of given their 18 months of utter failure and disasters. Much like the fake Russian collusion hoax, this is the shiny object they were hoping for to distract their sheep from the reality of their failures.
It won’t work this time. It will secure their lunatic base as usual, but Americans have become too smart, too aware and are too engaged. We see this for what it is.
This distraction will fade. Pro-choice crazies who have never bothered to look at the atrocities being committed by Planned Parenthood, and who are willing to commit their own atrocities were always going to vote on the side of crazy anyway.
These are the battles we face, my fellow Patriots. It is a constant battle against disinformation and it’s our responsibility to kill the lies and with equal loudness, spread the truth.
Speaking of disinformation, I’d bet you my entire life savings this new disinformation board and their Mary Poppins-singing leader will not address the disinformation being spread in this Alito leak.
God bless you all for being a part of this fight to restore common sense, Conservative values and reminding God that America still serves our Lord and Savior in our ever-present intent to do good in this world.