Democrat Leftist Policies Chase Taxpayers Away
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Democrat Leftist Policies Chase Taxpayers Away

Over the past decade, the United States has experienced taxpayers fleeing from high-tax blue states to taxpayer-friendly red states. California is one example of a state that attempts to “soak the rich” in order to fund costly government programs. Roughly 100,000 California taxpayers with income over $1 million collectively pay 40% of California’s personal income…

Mike Rahn: A Leader For Manatee County
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Mike Rahn: A Leader For Manatee County

Mike Rahn has been a breath of fresh air on the Manatee County Commission. Elected last November, Rahn ran on a campaign of conservative values and a business approach to our county government.  I spoke with Rahn recently as he reached the half-year mark in office. Rahn noted that there are many issues that Manatee…

Government Suppression Of Free Speech
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Government Suppression Of Free Speech

The Global Engagement Center (GEC) was established by President Obama to “counter the messaging and diminish the influence of international terrorist organizations.” What seemed like a noble and necessary endeavor to fight terrorism became the spark that lit the wildfire of government sponsored suppression of free speech. As with many government actions with noble intentions,…

There Is A Gender Gap In Education
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There Is A Gender Gap In Education

The gender gap in education has flipped over the past 40 years. Today, for every 100 bachelor’s degrees awarded to women, 74 degrees are awarded to men. This was not the case a half century ago.  Richard Reeves, a senior fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution, has written a book, Of Boys And…