Tales from the Mark Side: Merry Christmas Manatee County and America!
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Tales from the Mark Side: Merry Christmas Manatee County and America!

By Mark Young mark.young@manateeherald.com ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the White House. Only a single creature was stirring and it was a louse. The Biden stockings were hung by the chimney with care, Joe really believed that St. Nicholas soon would be there. Joe Biden was restless in his presidential bed, while…

Tales from the Mark Side: Lies so big even the liberal media are reporting them
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Tales from the Mark Side: Lies so big even the liberal media are reporting them

By Mark Young mark.young@manateeherald.com I come to you with great news! We had several exciting announcements from the White House this week to include that the U.S. southern border is once again secure and that the flow of fentanyl is being stopped! Hurray! Except it’s a lie. Boo! Democrats keep saying they “inherited” a broken…