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Tales from the Mark Side: The most dangerous poll we can’t afford to ignore

By Mark Young


Most sane Americans want to put the freak show of the COVID pandemic behind us, but there are some key factors that occurred during the pandemic that Republicans – or Americans for that matter – should never forget.

It’s part of the problem with today’s 24/7 news cycle that applies a simple brush stroke to a major problem before moving on to the next topic.

It would be like Renoir starting a painting but leaving it unfinished, making it what could have been a priceless masterpiece. Instead it’s just some paint on a half empty canvas.

It’s the same for the science behind liberalism – which is proven to be a mental disorder – and conservatism.

This is a fact that deserves a lot more media attention, but unfortunately we also know that the overwhelming majority of media are liberals. So we aren’t going to see a lot of media cover the fact that they themselves are mentally ill.

But let’s look at the facts. We know for a fact that democrats want more government control over their lives. It’s who they are as a party. It used to be the biggest difference between Republicans and democrats.

What we didn’t perhaps realize, was the extent of how much control the democrats are willing to give the government prior to the pandemic.

And I’m not even referring to lockdowns, school closures and child mask mandates alone, all of which proved to be unnecessary disasters.

No, I’m talking about the January poll conducted by Rasmussen and The Heartland Institute, which should have been a national red flag instead of a few buried news articles and 20-second TV sound bytes after the results were released.

The poll is alarming and exposes not only the left’s willingness to be subservient to its government, but also how far they are willing to go to literally imprison those who differ from their points of view.

So it’s important to relive those polls and that is the point of today’s visit.

Almost a third – 29% to be exact – of democrats said parents who were against vaccinating their children should lose custody of their children.

Two-thirds of democrats supported the creation of a government program to track the unvaccinated.

And last but not least my fellow Patriots, half of democrats supported locking up the unvaccinated in “special facilities.”

So I guess it’s no surprise that the Biden administration refuses to comment on China’s zero-COVID policies where they do imprison people whether they’ve been vaccinated or not, but test positive.

It’s also no surprise that the Biden administration and the majority of democrats won’t verbally support the current protests by the Chinese people who are risking their lives by simply expressing their opinions.

It’s ultimately what the left wants to see here. The left wants supreme power and if they achieve enough of the power they need, would most certainly oppress freedom-loving Americans.

And they would not hesitate to lock people up who oppose their totalitarian policies. It’s not rhetoric. It’s what they say.

This poll deserves much more attention than it received just 10 months ago. It’s a window into the dark soul of liberalism. It’s the mother of all red flags and represents a clear and present danger to the American people.

The results of this poll and what it really exposes about democrats deserves a deeper look that even what Conservative media outlets are not doing. It should be on every single Republican political ad.

This is an epic democratic confession of who they really are and should never be forgotten because it’s not like they will change.

My friends, the simple truth is that we may exchange wins with the democrats every other election cycle, but we will never win the war once and for all if we continue to look the other way as the enemy horde infiltrates the gates of freedom.

This has been a mistake we have made as Americans throughout our brief history. We looked the other way even on the day Japan was sending warplanes to Pearl Harbor.

We looked the other way as Hitler violated treaties leading to atrocities beyond imagination. Biden and Obama looked the other way as Putin announced years ahead of time that he would invade Ukraine and president Biden continued to look the other way as Russian forces lined the border.

Biden looks the other way as the Taliban once again creates a terrorist safe haven that will one day cost thousands of American lives once again.

Democrats have always chosen to look the other way when it comes to foreign aggression and they continue to look the other way as China outpaces us in military technology. Technology they stole from us, but we look the other way at that, too.

Democrats looked the other way as our military was depleted by Obama and Biden to the point where Trump was told we didn’t even have enough ammunition to launch an effective military campaign.

Biden looks the other way as he gives $80 billion worth of military weaponry and equipment to terrorists while a new report says our military operational effectiveness is weaker than even under Obama/Biden.

And now we are expected to look the other way at our internal threats that are exposed within a poll that gets no attention? I don’t think so.

My fellow Patriots, the only way we allow our leaders to look the other way is to keep putting them into power. We can no longer afford to win battles. You can win battles and still lose the war.

We must concentrate on winning this war. Whether we are capable of doing just that is what keeps me up at night.

Stay vigilant my friends. Stay aware and as always, never forget what is at stake and stay informed.

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