Democrats Policies Will Cause Power Shortages In The US
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Democrats Policies Will Cause Power Shortages In The US

The Biden administration never ceases to amaze. Their policies will soon lead to electricity shortages across our country that will make us think we are in a 3rd world country. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave the US energy system a C- on its 2021 infrastructure report card.  The ASCE also said that…

Democrats Raise Minimum Wages And Cut Jobs
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Democrats Raise Minimum Wages And Cut Jobs

California is doing its best to make sure that businesses lay off employees and curtail future hirings. The Democrats in California decided that the fast food workers needed a minimum wage of $20 an hour.  The Governor, Gavin Newsome, went along with this ludicrous scheme and signed the bill into law. Governor Newsome did a…

Washington And Oregon Democrats: Scary Insane
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Washington And Oregon Democrats: Scary Insane

I am often asked how I come up with scenarios for my columns. I go back to the military phrase describing a battlefield of enemy combatants. With Democrats in charge of many states and cities you find a “target rich environment” of inane actions and regulations that make the average American roll their eyes.  Recent…

Some Americans Are Turning Their Backs On Democrats
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Some Americans Are Turning Their Backs On Democrats

Americans have a deep understanding of what makes sense and what is nonsense. Today, our mainstream media attempts to hide the agenda of leftist Democrats because they realize that most Americans don’t support radical agendas.  We witness this on many issues. On abortion, if you say no abortions should be allowed, most Americans are uncomfortable…

Democrats Continue To force Men With Penises Into Women’s Locker Rooms
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Democrats Continue To force Men With Penises Into Women’s Locker Rooms

If one needs an example of facism in higher education, look back at the Lia Thomas farce that the NCAA and college Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) “experts” foisted on the American public.  Lia Thomas is an American male athlete swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania. Lia Thomas began transitioning to a “woman” by taking…

Mental Health Experts Screwed Our Children
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Mental Health Experts Screwed Our Children

Young Americans are dealing with more mental health issues during an era where we have more tools for dealing with mental health. We as a country have brought “mental health experts” into the mainstream and given them much more say in how we raise our kids. These experts are given positions of authority in determining…

California Democrats Want To Force Their Craziness On America
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California Democrats Want To Force Their Craziness On America

California Democrats continue to push leftist dogma that allows criminals to be released from prison. George Soros and the leftist Democrats have been pushing the theory that minority groups have been the victims of systemic racism which has put them in prison at a rate higher than other ethnic groups. They refuse to concede that…

California And Gavin Newsome Lie About Electric Vehicles
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California And Gavin Newsome Lie About Electric Vehicles

Image courtesy of Beware of Democrats arguing that they and they alone will save the environment from evil Republicans. We see locally that polluters of neighborhoods charge Manatee Republicans with ruining the environment. Of course, these rich folks ruin neighborhoods with lax regulations and take advantage of poor people by keeping them in poverty….

Google Is Indoctrinating The World With Leftist Dogma
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Google Is Indoctrinating The World With Leftist Dogma

If you wonder why so many young people show so much hate towards Jewish people and love towards terrorists, it probably has something to do with the racist bigots who are developing the algorithms at Google. Google is by far the world’s largest search engine. 81% of internet searches are on Google. Most users have…