Tales from the Mark Side: Tucker Carlson’s firing is a sign of a bigger problem
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Tales from the Mark Side: Tucker Carlson’s firing is a sign of a bigger problem

mark.young@manateeherald.com We have talked some about how the left’s internal battle was won by the crazy socialist progressive wing of the democratic party. It’s a party that is simply unrecognizable from just a decade ago and whether we want to admit it or not, there is a similar internal battle taking place within the Republican…

Government Suppression Of Free Speech
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Government Suppression Of Free Speech

The Global Engagement Center (GEC) was established by President Obama to “counter the messaging and diminish the influence of international terrorist organizations.” What seemed like a noble and necessary endeavor to fight terrorism became the spark that lit the wildfire of government sponsored suppression of free speech. As with many government actions with noble intentions,…

Tales from the Mark Side: Dear Manatee County commission: Pull your heads out of your butts
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Tales from the Mark Side: Dear Manatee County commission: Pull your heads out of your butts

mark.young@manateeherald.com We’ve talked a lot about the big lie. About how the historical villains of humanity considered the big lie as an essential tool to manipulate the masses. The key, they said, was that if you were going to tell the big lie, keep telling it until the masses believe you. And it’s been effective,…

Tales from the Mark Side: Why are liberals so unhappy? Here’s what we know
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Tales from the Mark Side: Why are liberals so unhappy? Here’s what we know

mark.young@manateeherald.com Let’s face facts, when it comes to anger, liberals rule the roost. They are angry about everything and are dramatically more likely to resort to violence – mob violence in particular, because they are generally cowards on their own – than Conservatives. The proof is in the pudding as far as what we’ve seen…

There Is A Gender Gap In Education
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There Is A Gender Gap In Education

The gender gap in education has flipped over the past 40 years. Today, for every 100 bachelor’s degrees awarded to women, 74 degrees are awarded to men. This was not the case a half century ago.  Richard Reeves, a senior fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institution, has written a book, Of Boys And…

Tales from the Mark Side: Deciphering the liberal lies
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Tales from the Mark Side: Deciphering the liberal lies

mark.young@manateeherald.com If “liar, liar pants on fire,” was a real thing, this current administration would set a daily fire that could be seen from the farthest reaches of space. It’s certainly not shocking that politicians and their staff lie, but I’ve never lived through a presidential administration where the lies are so big, and come…

Tales from the Mark Side: Election fraud: Fact or fiction? Here’s what we know
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Tales from the Mark Side: Election fraud: Fact or fiction? Here’s what we know

mark.young@manateeherald.com Liberals have the uncanny ability to deny reality. They say things like the Obama/Biden administration was the only scandal-free administration in U.S. history. Well, we previously outlined 18 documented Obama scandals and those didn’t include what we now know about Biden’s scandals as VP, as well as his Senate scandal involving stolen classified documents….

Chicago: Today’s Fire Is Worse Than The One Started By Mrs O’Leary’s Cow
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Chicago: Today’s Fire Is Worse Than The One Started By Mrs O’Leary’s Cow

This past weekend our nation recoiled in horror as the young people of Chicago terrorized the downtown area. Businesses were vandalized and innocent drivers were pulled from their cars and attacked. Several people were shot during the rioting and looting that occurred.  Sadly, this is an all too common occurrence in the Windy City. The…