Biden And The Democrats Are Leading The USA Towards An Electrical Shortage
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Biden And The Democrats Are Leading The USA Towards An Electrical Shortage

When Hurricane Beryl barrelled through the Houston area, millions of people were left without power. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to deal with extremely hot and humid weather without the air conditioners that make Houston bearable. It has now come to light that the federal government had set aside tax dollars to help…

George Kruse and Kamala: A Marriage Made In Democrat Heaven
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George Kruse and Kamala: A Marriage Made In Democrat Heaven

Several Manatee Democrats have changed their voter registration to Republican. They have hatched this plot because they are frustrated that Republicans have gained control of our county offices. Starting 4 years ago, the Republican county commissioners began to take back control of our county government from the bureaucrats who favored big government. They don’t like…

Democrats And Their Evil Rhetoric Has Turned Off Voters
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Democrats And Their Evil Rhetoric Has Turned Off Voters

Saturday was a milestone event in American politics. For the past eight years, leftist Democrats and some Republicans have convinced themselves that Donald Trump  was the 21st century equivalent to Adolph Hitler. Once they convinced themselves that Trump equaled Hitler, they believed that any tactic employed in defeating Trump was acceptable. We have heard historians…

New York And The Democrats Sacrifice Students For Union Votes
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New York And The Democrats Sacrifice Students For Union Votes

Have you noticed a few more cars with New York State license plates driving the streets of Manatee County. High taxes and Democrat politicians have chased many New Yorkers southbound.  Democrats control New York and they continue to show their loyalty is to those with a leftist agenda.  Recently, New York Governor, Kathy Hochul signed…

Lawsuit Alleges The United Nations Is Funding Terrorists
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Lawsuit Alleges The United Nations Is Funding Terrorists

The United Nations, like many American universities, has turned away from being a force for good to being on the side of evil. Each passing year exposes the fact that the United Nations is on the side of America’s enemies and working against the democratic nations of the world. Over the past 20 years, the…

The Democrats And The Press Have Lied To America
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The Democrats And The Press Have Lied To America

The Democrat Party and its supporters in the press were willing to lie to the American public about the state of Joe Biden’s health. These people loved power so much they willingly engaged in a conspiracy to prevent the American public from learning how fragile was the health of President Biden. Over and over, Democrat…

The Media Ignores Biden’s Coddling Of Racists
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The Media Ignores Biden’s Coddling Of Racists

Remember Charlottesville? White supremacists marched through the streets of the Virginia town and a car rammed into some of the marchers. The leftist press went bonkers and blamed the whole racist movement on : Guess Who? Trump. The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS and ABC demanded that the whole nation must reject Donald…

Biden Loves Leftist Weirdos And Manatee Democrats Support DeSantis Hating Republicans
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Biden Loves Leftist Weirdos And Manatee Democrats Support DeSantis Hating Republicans

Manatee Democrats do not want the voters to find out about Biden’s appointees to the White House staff. Manatee Democrats want to re-elect George Kruse to the Manatee County Commission and they support Siddique for the commission and Farrington for the Supervisor of Elections but they don’t want you to find out about Tyler Cherry,…