Manatee Herald Publisher Update June 1, 2022
As the first publisher update since Manatee Herald started, there are updates in here you don’t want to miss.
Tag for Dennis Cooley, candidate, Florida House of Representatives, District 70
As the first publisher update since Manatee Herald started, there are updates in here you don’t want to miss.
Bradenton Classical Academy is a new charter school in Manatee County currently undergoing the application process. Sherri is the co-founder and is with us to talk about classical education, charter schools and specifically about her new school, as well as why she has taken on this responsibility to be part of educating our future leaders.
Get to know Mike Rahn, candidate, Manatee Board of County Commissioners, District 4. In this Let’s Talk episode, you will learn more about him and what makes Mike qualified for this position.
Amanda is a wife, mother, attorney, child advocate, Conservative, Catholic & not your traditional candidate for Manatee County Commission- District 2.
In addition to being an author, host of his own podcast, and retired Colonel in the Air Force, Richard is also now a candidate for Manatee County School Board District. 5. We are honored to have Richard join us in this episode of Let’s Talk.
Steve Vernon is the Chairman of the Manatee County Republican Party. In this episode we learn more about him, his background that makes him exceptionally qualified for this role, and how to get involved. Video include here!
Dennis Cooley, a local, small businessman announced he has over $100,000 cash on hand in the race to become the next State Representative from the newly minted House District 70.
“Gov. DeSantis has made Florida the envy of the nation and I want to keep it that way.” stated Cooley