Richard Tatem is a retired U.S. Air Force colonel with 30 years of experience on both active duty and in the reserves as a leader, educator, facilitator, and aviator. Now a professional facilitator, coach, and educator, Richard specializes in helping individuals and organizations become better versions of themselves–because better people and better organizations perform better, both in and out of the work environment. His work focuses on helping employees improve their commitment to their core values.

If that wasn’t enough, he has also published a book, Interviews With The Founders, which can be found on, he hosts a radio show called The Justin American Radio Show, which you can listen live Wednesday nights 8 pm – 9 pm ET. And Richard is also now a candidate for Manatee County School Board District. 5. We are honored to have Richard join us in this episode of Let’s Talk.

Below are several links to more information about Richard that is either mentioned in this episode or relevant to his work and campaign.

Campaign website:

Amazon book link: “Interviews With The Founders”

Podomatic: “The Justin American Podcast”

Website: Justin American for books, t-shirts, and more information

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