Tales From The Mark Side: It’s So Easy a Cave (person?) Can Do It
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Tales From The Mark Side: It’s So Easy a Cave (person?) Can Do It

Tales from the Mark Side: The Conservative Voice in Manatee County By Mark Young mark.young@manateeherald.com I’m pretty sure there is a group of grungy 20 somethings sitting around somewhere smoking bongs and wrist deep into a bag of Doritoes who are the ones responsible for deciding on the next woke liberal culture attack. That’s what I…

Piney Point: New Discharge Possible, Water Quality Expert Weighs in
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Piney Point: New Discharge Possible, Water Quality Expert Weighs in

Respected water quality expert, David Tomasko, Ph.D. The Executive Director of the Sarasota bay Estuary Program, was contacted by those who are involved with the Piney Point facility, to let him know about an item that may get some attention the next few days. Dr. Tomasko previously summarized how much better our water quality is – both…

Road Improvements Coming to West Bradenton
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Road Improvements Coming to West Bradenton

PROJECT SCOPE Widening  Add additional left turn lanes  Add sidewalk  Signing and pavement markings  Lighting and signalization   PROJECT TIMELINE Construction to begin July 2022 Expected completion: Fall 2022 Lane closures predominantly overnight hours Expect noise from backup alarms, trucks, and construction equipment Most lane closures will be limited to overnight hours from 7pm. to 6am,…

Editorial: Fostering a Respect for those in Blue
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Editorial: Fostering a Respect for those in Blue

Over the last 7 years, we have seen a greater call of attention to policing and community relations especially in regards to policing in African American communities. While we all can agree that there has been a history of injustice and discrimination towards African Americans and other minorities at the hands of law enforcement especially…

Editorial: Can’t We All Just Get Along
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Editorial: Can’t We All Just Get Along

Nancy Armour, a sports columnist for USA Today, has called for a sports boycott of states that put any restrictions on a woman’s right to abort her child. She is calling on sports leagues to discriminate against states that restrict abortion and cancel sporting events from occurring in such states. She believes it is immoral…