Tales from the Mark Side: Do liberals ever do a good job? It’s a rhetorical question
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Tales from the Mark Side: Do liberals ever do a good job? It’s a rhetorical question

mark.young@manateeherald.com I’m sure you’ve had your fill of my personal banking issues given my rant during our last visit, but my first attempt at transitioning to a new bank wasn’t what I expected. Long story short, I walked into my potential new bank and it was me, one teller, and the branch manager. There wasn’t…

Criminal Corner: 10-time convicted felon strikes again
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Criminal Corner: 10-time convicted felon strikes again

A 25-year-old Manatee County man who has already piled up 10 felony convictions in his life is facing multiple new felonies after terrorizing at least two people with a firearm on the afternoon of March 2. According to the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, Kyle Cartwright was at the Fountain Lake Apartments in the 5500 block…

Tales from the Mark Side: An apology – of sorts – to liberals
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Tales from the Mark Side: An apology – of sorts – to liberals

mark.young@manateeherald.com If you’ve lived long enough, then you know loyalty isn’t what it used to be whether it’s relationships, so-called friends, some family members, politics or a plethora of other life aspects. With age comes the understanding that some people in your lives either have or will burn you at some point. But we, for…

Too Many Chiefs Ruin The Tribe
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Too Many Chiefs Ruin The Tribe

Each week we see more examples of the woke cancel culture advocates using the tactics of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Stalin’s Purges to cause people to lose their livelihoods. The latest example comes from Harvard University where the college world was shocked to discover that the women’s hockey  team coach had used abusive language.  Today,…

Tales from the Mark Side: Life sure used to be a lot more simple
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Tales from the Mark Side: Life sure used to be a lot more simple

mark.young@manateeherald.com Life sure used to be a lot more simple. Remember when honesty was the best policy? You never had a single thing to worry about as long as the truth was on your side. But that doesn’t seem to matter anymore and that, my friends, is perhaps the scariest thing out of all the…

Hopefully The Winds of Change are Blowing in the Windy City
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Hopefully The Winds of Change are Blowing in the Windy City

The City of Chicago is facing one of its most important elections in decades and the outcome will impact our whole country. Brandon Johnson, a “defund the police” activist has made the runoff after a bitter primary race. Lori Lightfoot, the current inept mayor, failed to reach the runoff after 4 years of rising crime…

Tales from the Mark Side: The trouble with liberals …
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Tales from the Mark Side: The trouble with liberals …

mark.young@manateeherald.com The trouble with liberals …  Liberals continue to confound me. I have tried so hard to understand them for so long. I tried to sympathize with them because we’ve learned that they suffer from a mental disorder. Conservatives are a compassionate people after all, but we do have our limits. I’ve tried to engage…

Tales from the Mark Side: Let’s move on from COVID and find a cure for liberalism
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Tales from the Mark Side: Let’s move on from COVID and find a cure for liberalism

mark.young@manateeherald.com For most of us, the origins of the COVID pandemic was pretty obvious from the onset. For us, the only real question was whether or not it was deliberate on the part of the Chinese. I think I’m not alone in believing that it was. And to put that into perspective, Nazi Germany murdered…