Helping The Homeless, People Can Disagree
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Helping The Homeless, People Can Disagree

Democracy requires free and open debate. Good people can differ on major subjects. Just because someone takes a position opposite from yours does not make them immoral, a stooge or an idiot. More often than not, the person hurling invectives against opposing position holders, is giving evidence of their own weak arguments.  We are having…

April Culbreath Files to Restore our Conservative Voice to the Countywide                    Commission District
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April Culbreath Files to Restore our Conservative Voice to the Countywide Commission District

“Communist Housing” Commissioner George Kruse has betrayed voters on both a personal and ideological level. Bradenton, FL – Career Law Enforcement Officer and local Republican Party Leader, AprilCulbreath filed to restore conservative principles to the countywide seat currently held byradical commissioner George Kruse.Besides his personal issues, Kruse has railed against the Second Amendment, supportedPlanned Parenthood,…

Democrats Pretending To Be Republicans
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Democrats Pretending To Be Republicans

Why are Democrats attempting to infiltrate the Manatee County Republican Party? The Manatee Democrats are out of touch with the conservative mood of this county so they are finding wedge issues to cause Republicans to begin fighting each other. Why are the Democrats trying to convince commissioners to give $6 million to build a homeless…

Democrats in Manatee Are Trying To Silence Elon Musk
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Democrats in Manatee Are Trying To Silence Elon Musk

Elon Musk is one of the most unique people in the world. Starting with nothing, he set a path to be involved in cutting edge battery technology. When the 3 big auto companies, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler gave up on producing electric vehicles, Musk plowed ahead. He took a floundering startup (Tesla) and through…

Politicians Like To Spend, Spend and Spend
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Politicians Like To Spend, Spend and Spend

We are facing a budget crisis in Washington DC, according to the leftist media. Without the House Republicans agreeing to continue current deficit spending, the world as we know it will end. The only reasonable solution, according to the Democrats, is to continue the excessive spending that has exploded in the past decades.  Our country…

Tales from the Mark Side: Even CNN calls Joe Biden a liar
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Tales from the Mark Side: Even CNN calls Joe Biden a liar Load up your skis, fuel up the snowmobile, brush off the spider webs on your snow shovels and head due south to hell because it has frozen over. The lies flowing out of this White House have gotten so bad that even CNN had to finally call it out for what it is. And…

Tales from the Mark Side: Hope for the future relies on our ability to understand history
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Tales from the Mark Side: Hope for the future relies on our ability to understand history Footage of the 9-11 attacks never fails to bring back the exact emotions I felt on that day 22 years ago. It was our generation’s Pearl Harbor – a day that only lived in infamy for a couple of generations as America moved on from the historical consequences of Dec. 7, 1941. How many…

Burn Down A Business And The Democrats Will Give You A Check
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Burn Down A Business And The Democrats Will Give You A Check

We were told 3 years ago that if we gathered in church we would cause the death of many people because of COVID.. People across our country were arrested for going to the beach or worshiping at church. Forget about the mental health benefits of gathering at church, the Democrats and Republicans in Name Only…