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Dont Let Our County Commission Turn Our Towns Into San Francisco

Some Manatee County commissioners are ready to make a disastrous decision that will potentially bring San Francisco’s homeless problem to Manatee. For decades, social workers have believed that the homeless community could be normalized if they were provided with free housing. Major cities like New York City, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles have provided…

Tales from the Mark Side: What Gov. DeSantis doesn’t understand about Trump supporters
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Tales from the Mark Side: What Gov. DeSantis doesn’t understand about Trump supporters

mark.young@manateeherald.com I’m not one to be the pretentious guy who likes to say, “I told you so,” but umm … I told you so. If you remember when the speculation had only just begun on who may or may not get into the GOP presidential primary season, I predicted a Ron DeSantis run would prove…

Tales from the Mark Side: Dems to tout “accomplishments” of Kamala Harris. Huh?
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Tales from the Mark Side: Dems to tout “accomplishments” of Kamala Harris. Huh?

mark.young@manateeherald.com Have you ever been in an argument with someone and present the facts to them, ask them for their facts and all they can do in their frustration is say something along the lines of, “I’ll get back to you on that.” That’s essentially what democrats did this week when they released a brief…

Democrat Teachers Unions Fail Their Students
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Democrat Teachers Unions Fail Their Students

Why do Manatee Democrats hate charter schools? Why do Democrats across our country use the court system to undermine charter schools? It is ironic that the Democrat Party, which claims to be fighting for minorities, is determined to quash charter schools. Charter schools have proven they can raise the test scores of minority students but…

Tales from the Mark Side: Hunter Biden special counsel appointment a political farce
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Tales from the Mark Side: Hunter Biden special counsel appointment a political farce

mark.young@manateeherald.com Unlike most people, I pay particular attention to the news on Friday afternoons, because I know it’s a day and time where most people don’t. I used to dread having an important story released on a Friday afternoon because I knew the numbers would be dismal. People have lives and after a hard week…

Rapinoe, We’re Glad To See You Go
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Rapinoe, We’re Glad To See You Go

The liberal elite media is throwing a tantrum because many Americans were rooting against the US Women’s soccer team at the World Cup. The media does not remind the public why so many Americans were rooting against the US team. We watched the US team refuse to sing our national anthem while it was played…

Tales from the Mark Side: Grand juries aren’t so grand and part of the injustice process
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Tales from the Mark Side: Grand juries aren’t so grand and part of the injustice process

mark.young@manateeherald.com Grand juries are one of those things that was developed with good intentions, but in reality, it’s a worthless and potentially dangerous weapon used by potentially corrupt individuals to destroy lives. Thanks once again to President Donald J. Trump, the grand jury process is yet another swamp creature being exposed. Like Trump, even I…

Tales from the Mark Side: Would you choose the red pill or the blue pill?
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Tales from the Mark Side: Would you choose the red pill or the blue pill?

mark.young@manateeherald.com As I sit here in the moment, Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal is falling apart and justice may indeed move forward. It really wasn’t a good idea for Hunter’s legal team to try to commit fraud against a federal courthouse clerk by pretending to be part of a congressman’s legal team in asking for…