Tales From The Mark Side: The Jan. 6 big lie
We’ve devoted a lot of space to this administration’s lies, and still haven’t even scratched the surface, but it’s time to talk about the Jan. 6 lie. Read on as Mark Young shares.
We’ve devoted a lot of space to this administration’s lies, and still haven’t even scratched the surface, but it’s time to talk about the Jan. 6 lie. Read on as Mark Young shares.
“As the Conservative movement continues to steam full speed ahead, we have to be careful not to miss the forest for the trees.”, Mark Young
“Democrats are up to no good, my fellow Patriots. The local democratic parties spanning Manatee and Sarasota counties say they believe they can turn this area blue.”, Mark Young
“It’s quite something to see liberals not only ignore the facts, but continue to make counter arguments based on lies and misinformation.”, Mark Young
Tales from the Mark Side | Column #77 The Conservative Voice of Manatee County By Mark Young I’m sure you’ve heard of Murphy’s Law where if anything can go wrong, it will. Joe Biden’s administration is the definition of Murphy’s Law. However, typically in the case of Murphy’s Law it’s a case of having a…
Fox and Friends devoted three straight days of full coverage to an event that everyone got to see the queen for a grand total of a few minutes.
Today marks our 75th visit together, which is a little surreal in and of itself, and it also marks our first official visit under the new ownership at the Manatee Herald.
There is a big difference between the two days. Veterans Day honors all those who served. Memorial Day honors the fallen. It’s the one day living veterans don’t like to hear, “Thank you for your service.” Mark Young shares his thous on Memorial Day.
“Manatee County is now in full competition with the school district to see which government agency is the most corrupt and incompetent.”, Mark Young shares why he thinks this way.