You’re Going to Notice Something Very Different on “The View”

You’re Going to Notice Something Very Different on “The View”

Things are going to be changing on ABC’s toxic mess of a show “The View.” The reason why is because things have gotten so nasty, negative, and mean on this awful show, that the president of ABC actually had to step in and say “ENOUGH.” Apparently, things have gotten so bad on the show with…

[VIDEO] Ted Cruz Just Crushed Critical Race Theory Into a Pile of Dust

[VIDEO] Ted Cruz Just Crushed Critical Race Theory Into a Pile of Dust

One of the great Newtonian Third Law aspects of the Biden administration is that it has revivified Republicans in the attack. And their best rhetorical fighter? Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! The man should be president. No doubt about it. His smarts, courage, and solid conservatism…

This Ghoulish Move By Meghan Totally Explains Her Hold Over Harry…

This Ghoulish Move By Meghan Totally Explains Her Hold Over Harry…

A renowned royal biographer is speaking out this week to say that Prince Harry is “constantly” worried that he’ll lose his wife Meghan Markle like he lost his mother, Princess Diana. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Angela Levin, who interviewed Harry for her 2018 book “Harry: Conversations with the Prince,” immediately noticed…

President Trump Just Did a Little Jig on US Media’s Grave…

President Trump Just Did a Little Jig on US Media’s Grave…

On June 12th it was Trump’s birthday, and boy did he celebrate it in grand style. He took to Twitter with one of his most epic victory laps yet, and it sent the fake news media reeling. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Trump literally went through point-by-point and highlighted everything that…

[VIDEO] O’Reilly’s Got One Word For Dems: “Backlash”

[VIDEO] O’Reilly’s Got One Word For Dems: “Backlash”

As we all know, the U.S. is headed towards an absolute disaster under Biden’s shaky leadership. We can all see the writing on the wall, but for those who don’t question the message that the mainstream media spoon-feeds them, this upcoming crash will probably come as a surprise. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM…

We Now Know Why Guatemalans Were So Angry With Kamala…She Was Actually There On a “Secret Mission”

We Now Know Why Guatemalans Were So Angry With Kamala…She Was Actually There On a “Secret Mission”

While everyone is focused on the border and telling Kamala to go there, we missed the real reason she was in Guatemala…She was on a secret political mission, and it’s not about the “border.” TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! It’s about overthrowing the conservative party that’s currently in power…and the people…

Damning Photos of Banquet Inside Kamala’s House Ignite Firestorm of Online

Damning Photos of Banquet Inside Kamala’s House Ignite Firestorm of Online

We’re told by the liberal elites that we are “racists” because we voted for President Trump. We’re told that because we’re not progressive, we’re bigots…because only the Democrats know how to be diverse and inclusive people, right? TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! That’s what we’re told – day in and day…

[VIDEO] Tommy Tuberville Thinks Biden’s Latest Foreign Policy Trip Was “Staged”

[VIDEO] Tommy Tuberville Thinks Biden’s Latest Foreign Policy Trip Was “Staged”

It’s become apparent – even to the non-believers – that the fix is in for Biden. No matter where he is or what he’s doing, it seems like the road is pre-patched for Joe, but still, that doesn’t seem to prevent him from tripping and falling flat on his face. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME…

Hundreds of Michigan Citizens Deliver Over 7,000 Affidavits Claiming “Election Fraud” to State Officials

Hundreds of Michigan Citizens Deliver Over 7,000 Affidavits Claiming “Election Fraud” to State Officials

Despite the left’s best efforts, the controversies surrounding the 2020 election are not going away. No matter how many times they tell the public to accept the outcome and move on, people won’t confom. Conservatives really buckled down and stuck to their guns, demanding answers on the inconsistencies. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM…