There Should Be No Polite Rules Of War When Fighting Hamas
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There Should Be No Polite Rules Of War When Fighting Hamas

The Israeli government understands that to annihilate Hamas, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) cannot follow the “Marquis of Queensberry” rules for fighting. The Queensberry rules were developed in England in order to have gentlemanly or polite boxing matches. Many Democrats are demanding that Israel fight a polite war that results in no civilian casualties.  In…

Revamping Downtown: Bradenton City Council Approves Height Increase for New Buildings
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Revamping Downtown: Bradenton City Council Approves Height Increase for New Buildings

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Bradenton City Council approved an incentive program to encourage faster redevelopment in the downtown. The program will allow up to 20 stories on properties within the central downtown area without having to provide affordable housing, as the Codecurrently requires. An additional height incentive under this program provides that parking levels…

School Superintendent and Board Members tour Azinger Family Compassion Center
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School Superintendent and Board Members tour Azinger Family Compassion Center

Source: Manatee County School District Superintendent Wysong joined School Board Vice-Chair Cindy Spray and Board Member Mary Foreman at the Azinger Family Compassion Center in Palmetto, Florida. They went behind-the-scenes to learn how two non-profit organizations are working together to answer the call to help children and struggling families in our community. One More Child is…

Democrats Are Encouraging Their Racist Base
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Democrats Are Encouraging Their Racist Base

Americans cannot stand by as Palestinians and Muslims in the United States are harassing and threatening Jewish people. It is ironic that the Democrats have been quick to scream racism when 10 wackos rally around a rebel flag but when thousands of Muslims and leftist students march in support of Hamas, the Democrats develop lockjaw. …

Democrats Make It Tough To Run A Business
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Democrats Make It Tough To Run A Business

When Democrats gain control of a city, county or state, the leftists take charge. Once in charge, Democrats consistently make it tougher for small businesses to operate successfully.  A recent Wall Street Journal piece pointed out that New York recently passed the “Fair Chance Act” that prohibits businesses from considering a job applicant’s arrest record….

SeaPort Manatee sustains record-level cargo activity in fiscal 2023
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SeaPort Manatee sustains record-level cargo activity in fiscal 2023

Source: SeaPort Manatee PALMETTO, Florida – SeaPort Manatee cargo activity in the just-ended fiscal year remained strong, sustaining levels at or near record volumes posted in fiscal 2022, according to figures released by the Southwest and Central Florida maritime trade hub. “At a time when some seaports are failing to keep pace with the unprecedented…

School Vouchers Protect Students From Racism
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School Vouchers Protect Students From Racism

Democrats are such hypocrites on public school education. Fortunately, the public is ignoring the Democrats on this issue.  Corey DeAngelis is a crusader for school choice. Too many parents are forced to send their children to schools that don’t educate. DeAngelis believes that children should be liberated from their zip codes and empowered to enroll…