A nanofiber membrane could help solve the drinking water crisis

A nanofiber membrane could help solve the drinking water crisis

Korean scientists claim a new desalination technique makes sea water fit to drink in minutes. The researchers used a membrane distillation process that resulted in 99.9 percent salt rejection for one month. If commercialized, they say the solution could help alleviate the drinking water crisis exacerbated by climate change. More than 3 billion people worldwide…

Disturbing New Report Has People Asking What Role Our CIA Played in Princess Di’s Death…

Disturbing New Report Has People Asking What Role Our CIA Played in Princess Di’s Death…

A new bombshell report is set to be released from a British newspaper called “The Observer.” TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! NBC News is reporting on the soon-to-be dropped piece, that claims US intelligence was spying on Princess Di just hours before she died. Of course, and very predictably, the US…

[VIDEO] Foreign Media Lays it All On the Line Over Joe Biden’s Failing Mental Faculties…

[VIDEO] Foreign Media Lays it All On the Line Over Joe Biden’s Failing Mental Faculties…

We can all see it. We all know what’s happening. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! We literally have a dementia patient in the White House. Yet, what makes all of this so bizarre – besides the fact that we have a dementia patient in the White House – is that our…

Final Fantasy VII Intergrade’s entertaining DLC should also be on PS4

Final Fantasy VII Intergrade’s entertaining DLC should also be on PS4

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is a little confusing, if the name didn’t give it away. It’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake, remade (or at least polished up) for the PlayStation 5. It also includes new original content called “Intermission.” This is a two-chapter run completely separate to the main game, following the once-optional character Yuffie…

[VIDEO] Severely Wounded Disabled Marine Stands For Anthem at NHL Game 

[VIDEO] Severely Wounded Disabled Marine Stands For Anthem at NHL Game 

Those of us who tell the hateful/communist left that they’re spitting in the face of our vets when they kneel or turn their back on our flag during the National Anthem are saying that because of Marines like this amazing man. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Because not even a horrific…

The Morning After: The Boring company wants to take us to the beach

The Morning After: The Boring company wants to take us to the beach

It’s way too late for this Independence Day weekend (and even if it does happen, probably next year’s), but the Boring Company wants to get you to the beach at Fort Lauderdale. That’s according to the latest bid submitted by the tunneling company. It proposes a tunnel loop that would link downtown and the beach….

Hacker targets ‘Apex Legends’ in plea to fix ‘Titanfall’ hacking

Hacker targets ‘Apex Legends’ in plea to fix ‘Titanfall’ hacking

Apex Legends has reportedly been hacked to raise awareness over the unplayable state of developer Respawn’s other game series Titanfall. Players have taken to social media to report that the battle royale’s server playlists are being replaced with a message that reads “SAVETITANFALL.COM, TF1 is being attacked so is Apex.” Gamers also received an “Important Message”…

“Woke” Companies Across America Just Got Blasted With an Uncomfy Truth Bomb

“Woke” Companies Across America Just Got Blasted With an Uncomfy Truth Bomb

I am puzzled that corporations actually thought it would be a good idea to get “woke.” TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! There is so much data and proof out there that this doesn’t work. Just look at Hollywood – they got more “woke” than ever before during the era of Trump,…

Royal Insider Reveals The Big Reason Harry Can’t Come Back Into The Fold…

Royal Insider Reveals The Big Reason Harry Can’t Come Back Into The Fold…

Prince Harry and Prince William may have reunited this week for the unveiling of a statue of their late mother Princess Diana at Kensington Palace, but royal sources say that they aren’t close to reconciling at all. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! “Despite William and Harry coming together this week for…