Leftist College Officials Can Be Sued
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Leftist College Officials Can Be Sued

For years, leftist college officials have violated the First Amendment rights of professors and students who make statements that the leftists consider “unwoke.” When a professor says something that irritates leftist students or professors, university officials will take action to penalize the offending faculty member. Of course, 99% of the time the university officials are…

School Zone Speed Cameras Coming to Manatee County
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School Zone Speed Cameras Coming to Manatee County

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (February 13, 2024) – The Manatee County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has approved the installation of School Zone Speed Cameras throughout the county. The vote was unanimous to move forward with installation and monitoring of the speed zones. A 6-1 majority approved an agreement with the vendor, RedSpeed, to furnish, install and maintain the…

Teacher grants spark interest and help Manatee County students grow in the classroom
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Teacher grants spark interest and help Manatee County students grow in the classroom

Source: Manatee County School District In November 2023, PRECO (Peace River Electric Cooperative’s Operation) announced more than $10,000 in mini-grants approved for Manatee County teachers. This week we’re looking at how the funds are benefiting students. Parrish Community High School forensic science and chemistry teacher, Jessica Beihl, used the grant to purchase materials for a…

U.S. Olympians help set the bar for student success at Freedom Elementary
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U.S. Olympians help set the bar for student success at Freedom Elementary

Source: Manatee County School District Former and future Olympic athletes set the bar for students to SOAR at Freedom Elementary School, Home of the Falcons. The school’s motto this year is “One Team, One Dream.” The special guests spoke at a school assembly on Friday, January 12, 2024, about active learning, which encourages students to…

Lakewood Ranch High Mustang musicians recognized at state level
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Lakewood Ranch High Mustang musicians recognized at state level

Source: Manatee County School District Several LRHS band members were selected for the Florida State University (FSU) Tri-State Honor Band and the University of South Florida (USF) Festival of Winds Honor Band.  LRHS Band director John Wilkerson said “We are excited for our Mustang Band members as each honor band had over 750 students trying for…

SRQ And New College: A Good Fit
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SRQ And New College: A Good Fit

Recently the Sarasota Manatee Airport Authority approved an agreement with the New College Board of Trustees to sell land to New College, The land involved in the sale is property the Airport Authority leases to New College.  Recently there have been accusations of impropriety in this transaction. The accusations come from individuals and groups that…

Guy Harvey event at Bealls celebrates partnerships, elementary-aged artists
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Guy Harvey event at Bealls celebrates partnerships, elementary-aged artists

Source: Manatee County School District A special event with renowned artist and conservationist, Dr. Guy Harvey, highlighted partnerships, and artwork done by Manatee County students. On Sunday, December 3rd, Anna Maria Elementary Principal Michael Masiello and two student artists were invited to the Bealls Florida store, located on Manatee Avenue West in Bradenton.  The Guy…

The Ivy League Universities Are Poison Ivy
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The Ivy League Universities Are Poison Ivy

The horror, the horror; it seems the Ivy leaves of the Ivy League universities turned out to be poison ivy. December of 2023 will be remembered as the time that most Americans became aware of the fatuousness of America’s elite educational establishment. For years, the education establishment has diverged from the common sense mores most…

Parrish Community High Frozen cast featured on Good Morning America
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Parrish Community High Frozen cast featured on Good Morning America

Source: Manatee County School District Student performers from Parrish Community High School’s Theatre Department were chosen to celebrate 10 years of Disney’s Frozen with a special performance on national television. Bulls Theatre Company was featured on Good Morning America on Monday, November 27, 2023, along with other high schools from across the country. According to…