There’s a backlash happening…you can see little (and big) signs of it everywhere.


A new Rasmussen poll shows that a MAJORITY (51%) of Americans believe that there was some form of “cheating” in the 2020 election.

This is remarkable, especially since the propaganda media and Dems have been pushing hard to convince everyone that the 2020 election was the perfect picture of fairness and integrity…and don’t forget those absurd phony polls showing Biden has a 776% approval rating.

Give me a break.

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Not to mention, Joe Biden is deteriorating at a record rate of speed. His G7 trip to England was probably one of the biggest political disasters on record.

His obvious “dementia” was on display for the entire world to see. There was no hiding it. It was everywhere, and it was ghastly.

And one of the biggest signs that a backlash is brewing, was the recent McAllen, Texas mayorial race. A Republican just won that race in a blue border town. It was a historic victory…and the winner,  Javier Villalobos, has a dire message for Dems…”Latinos are waking up.”

Daily Wire reported that McAllen mayor-elect Javier Villalobos, the former chairman of Hidalgo County GOP in south Texas, told Fox News on Saturday that Latino voters are opening their eyes after voting Democrat for a long time.


“Well, during the past election, it’s amazing what happened here in South Texas,” Villalobos said. “I think genuinely the Hispanic community is very conservative, yet, traditionally, they voted Democrat. It’s amazing what happened this past election. I think our numbers as far as conservative voters were up by substantially. We finally, finally, have competition in South Texas. So I think it’s an open up the doors for a lot of people.”

“Down in south Texas, it’s a little bit different,” Villalobos later added. “Like I said, traditionally Democrat, however, they are, a lot of individuals, including older individuals that have forever voted Democrat, are opening up their eyes, accepting different ideas, both social and economic. And that’s amazing. We will have some, I always tell everybody, competition is good. It has been traditional Democrats of South Texas have been ignored a lot of the times, it won’t happen anymore. We expect next election, that we will have the same type of results. We have candidates now running for Congress when a lot of times it was very difficult to field a candidate down here, especially local elections, I think things are going to be changing.”


This is what happens when you rely on a tsunami of mail-in ballots for your s0-called “victories,” not good policies and fresh ideas.


It catches up to you quickly, and soon, Dems will reap everything that they’ve sowed.

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