Democrats Fight Attempts To Have Balanced Teaching In Higher Education
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Democrats Fight Attempts To Have Balanced Teaching In Higher Education

Much has been written about the spending increases during the short tenure that Ben Sasse had as President of the University of Florida (UF). Of course, the outrage over his spending initiatives comes from Democrat leftists who constantly abuse Republicans over their lack of spending on education. One true axiom: If Democrats are upset about…

Kamala: The Only Hope That Hamas Has For Victory
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Kamala: The Only Hope That Hamas Has For Victory

Hamas, the terrorist group that is acceptable to Democrats, showed its barbaric nature by executing 6 of the civilian hostages that it kidnapped from Israel 11 months ago. Remember when Israel began to take the offensive against Hamas 6 months ago? Kamala warned Israel that there would be dire consequences if they continued their military…

Zuckerberg Reveals That Democrats Hate Freedom Of Speech
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Zuckerberg Reveals That Democrats Hate Freedom Of Speech

After years of denying their participation in censoring social media regarding Covid-19, the Biden administration has been exposed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg told a congressional committee that the “government pressure was  wrong.” He was referring to the pressure that Biden and the democrats put on social media companies to censor anyone who questioned…

Chicago and the Democrats Dancing Off a Financial Cliff
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Chicago and the Democrats Dancing Off a Financial Cliff

The Democratic convention began with Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson addressing the crowd. Johnson has been in office less than a year and appears to be working hard to win the title of “Most Incompetent Mayor” in the history of Chicago. With Chicago’s sordid history, that is quite an accomplishment.  After his election as Mayor last…

Woke Prosecutor Attempts To Help Child Molestor Who Claims He Is Transgender
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Woke Prosecutor Attempts To Help Child Molestor Who Claims He Is Transgender

It is hard to believe how far the leftist Democrats will go to allow men with penises into women’s prisons. It is not enough that Tim Walz wants to put tampons in boys restrooms, they have such low respect for women that they now want to allow male convicts to live in women’s prisons. In…

Kamala And The Democrats Favor Unions Over Students
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Kamala And The Democrats Favor Unions Over Students

If one doubts how Kamala and the Democrats continue to support the radical teachers unions over the welfare of students, look at the latest Democrat actions in Massachusetts.  Massachusetts has a law that requires public school students to pass an aptitude test in order to graduate from high school. The initial assessment takes place during…

Kamala and Newsome Chase Businesses Out of California
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Kamala and Newsome Chase Businesses Out of California

Another major corporation is leaving the state of California for “greener pastures.” California has been known as a state that pushes forward on rules and regulations on business. This process was manageable by businesses when the state had a two-party system.  Once the Democrats took control of all the political bodies, the Republicans were unable …

Mocking Christianity in Paris and in the Democratic Party
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Mocking Christianity in Paris and in the Democratic Party

The perverted minds that developed the opening parody at the Olympics in Paris are symptomatic of the Democratic cultural elite. What happened in Paris was an example of what happens when political parties refuse to tell their fringe elements: NO! Biden, Harris and the Democrats have hosted similar drag queens in the White House. Democrat…

Biden And The Democrats Are Leading The USA Towards An Electrical Shortage
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Biden And The Democrats Are Leading The USA Towards An Electrical Shortage

When Hurricane Beryl barrelled through the Houston area, millions of people were left without power. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to deal with extremely hot and humid weather without the air conditioners that make Houston bearable. It has now come to light that the federal government had set aside tax dollars to help…