It is hard to believe how far the leftist Democrats will go to allow men with penises into women’s prisons. It is not enough that Tim Walz wants to put tampons in boys restrooms, they have such low respect for women that they now want to allow male convicts to live in women’s prisons.
In Los Angeles, George Soros helped to elect a leftist District Attorney who does not want to prosecute transgender criminals. The District Attorney, George Gascon, put pressure on an assistant prosecutor to withhold damning evidence against a convicted child sex predator. James Tubbs was convicted of sexually assaulting a 10 year old girl in a Denny’s restroom. He was also suspected of sexually assaulting two 4 year old girls in a public restroom.

Now, one might think that a District Attorney, even a leftist District Attorney, would not wish to help a convicted sexual assaulter. This criminal, however, was smart to what woke Democrats will do. He started telling fellow inmates that he was going to claim to be a transexual so he could get transferred to a women’s prison. His only problem was that his scheming was recorded and there were tapes of what he said.
Once Tubbs claimed to be a transexual, he became a hero to George Gascon, the District Attorney. Gascon wanted to make the transgender community happy so he pressured an assistant prosecutor to hide the recordings that revealed Tubbs scheming to pretend to be transsexual in order to be transferred to the women’s prison.
The assistant prosecutor, who Gascon was pressuring, was frustrated that Gascon was attempting to score points with Democrats by letting a transgender criminal off easy. If Tubbs had been a straight white male (which is what he actually is), Gascon would not have given him a break.
Once he said he was a woman, Gascon rushed to his rescue.
Fortunately, the assistant prosecutor did not cave but sent the incriminating tape to personnel who were on the Tubbs rehabilitation team. Soon the tapes were leaked to a news entity and all hell broke loose.
The public was shocked when they found out what Gascon was doing. Gascon backed down and Tubbs (who is now called Hannah) was sentenced to 15 years in a men’s prison.
The sad part is that Gascon appears to have been retaliating against the assistant prosecutor who would not hide the incriminating tapes. Gascon demoted the assistant prosecutor to a lesser position with lesser pay.
This is the leftist Democrat way. They try to accomplish outlandish things in secret and they retaliate when their deeds are exposed. The mainstream media plays along with the Democrats. The mainstream media will only expose wrongdoing by conservatives and they ignore the evil that Democrats do in secret.
Ask yourself, how many exposes has Bob Woodward written about the Biden administration. The supposed “unbiased journalists” are, in fact, propaganda organs for the leftist Democrats.
Fortunately, one assistant prosecutor in California sacrificed his career to protect the public.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald