Tales from the Mark Side: The Conservative Voice in Manatee County

An honest talk about race and the complicity of your local media

By Mark Young


Racist, racism and all of its various terminologies used to be vulgar words but in today’s culture where the words are thrown around like candy at a holiday parade, they have lost their meaning.

I recently watched a black female anchor on one of the democrat’s propaganda networks say the only reason why America cares about the suffering in Ukraine is because Ukranians are white.

It’s just the latest example of the left playing the race card, but a lot of these lefties have forgotten the childhood moral-of-the-story moment captured in the, “Boy Who Cried Wolf.”

Screaming racism at the drop of a hat means that eventually, normal people will stop paying attention to those words. In fact, the left risks the very reality of creating more racism because it’s become such a tool to get one’s way. Add that to the fact that most of the claims of racism from the left are actually racist in nature, as well as the refusal to acknowledge that racism exists in all races, is a recipe for disaster.

Just a small example of that is the Kyle Rittenhouse case where that young man was called a white supremacist for shooting, “four innocent black men,” the media initially reported.

Well, they weren’t black and they weren’t innocent, but that’s just one of too many examples we’ve seen in recent years as the left intentionally divides Americans into racial categories. That, to me, is racist in nature and almost walks the line of Charles Manson’s intent behind Helter Skelter.

It’s a dangerous game to play. Fortunately most Americans are smarter than that, but unfortunately, there are those who believe that all of a sudden white America hates black America.

It’s ridiculous and a sickening political strategy to keep blacks devoted to the democrat party when in fact the democrat party is the party of slavery.

The surprising part is the way a lot of people, particularly white people react when someone screams racist. As I have noted previously, studies relating to the liberal brain have shown that young white liberals hate themselves because they are white.

I guess it makes sense that they bend the knee to anyone who claims racism no matter how ridiculous the claim.

I’ll give you a couple of examples, including how the Bradenton Herald and its owner, McClatchy, surrendered common sense in favor of complicity in the wake of the resurgence of the black lives matter movement.

For anyone paying attention, it was clear at the onset of BLM that it was a political activist organization. It has pushed a political agenda from the beginning, but the death of George Floyd caused a revitalization of the organization. In turn, they took every advantage of Floyd’s death more so for their financial gain than anything else.

Hate to be the truth teller here, but sorry, not sorry. I’ve interviewed a lot of BLM leaders and supporters. BLM leaders end the interview every single time when asked why they don’t do something to prevent black-on-black crime. Most of the time, their supporters can’t even register a coherent answer as to why they are supporting BLM.

Especially the young white liberals. I saw one carrying a sign saying that America’s prisons should be emptied. I asked him the obvious questions about the consequences of that, and if it applied to child molesters, rapists and murderers.

He just gave me the finger and walked away. Oh that self-loathing just because you’re white must be a horrible existence. Give me a break.

We’ve seen the stories already about a massive spending spree of BLM leadership, who are buying up houses in upscale – wait for it – white neighborhoods.

They aren’t applying those tens of millions of dollars they raised from white guilt to Chicago crime, community centers or community policing programs those dollars could pay for. No, they are spending it on themselves.

Good job liberals. I’ll say one thing for liberals, their stupidity is consistent.

Of course, if you are watching CNN or MSNBC, you probably haven’t seen those self-serving BLM stories, including the one where a BLM leader threatened blood and violence if the NYPD goes back to using undercover detectives.

We all remember how Manatee County succumbed to BLM pressure by boarding up and then removing in the middle of the night the Daughters of the Confederacy monument at the old courthouse.

Where is that monument by the way?

It was a disgusting display of cowardice by the majority of our elected officials. And for the record, I’m no fan of the former Confederacy, but I am a fan of American military history.

Before the cowardly late night removal, BLM and other local activist organizations staged a rally at the courthouse. I covered the rally and ventured to where local BLM leaders were organizing what would be the ensuing march to the courthouse.

Former Manatee County Commissioner and current candidate Charles Smith led that march by the way. Can you say photo op?  

The primary BLM leader got on her megaphone and began giving directions. One of the first orders was that no one was to speak to the media and then she began to denigrate the media.

I was caught off guard by that one, given how much positive spin the media was giving BLM, and bear with me here, I’ll get to McClatchy’s role in all of this.

The BLM leader then ordered all the white and brown people who showed up to support BLM to the back of the marching line, indicating that white and brown people needed to know how it felt to sit at the back of the bus.

And they did it, too. Poor self-hating young white liberals. You have to pity them at some point. Did I mention Charles Smith led this march?

Anyway, fast forward to the death of Floyd and BLM’s actual resurgence to validity in the eyes of the media. Keep in mind, the media had been paying zero attention to the actions of BLM prior to Floyd’s death and refused to acknowledge BLM as an actual political activist arm of the far left even though it had become clear that’s exactly what they are.

As BLM protests renewed – made up mostly of young white liberals I might add – a colleague of mine posted a photo of herself on Twitter holding a “Black Lives Matter” sign.

I was livid. Not because she was naive enough to not understand the political and financial motivations behind the BLM movement, but because no one said anything to her about making a political statement as a journalist.

I, on the other hand, was not far removed from a probationary period because I had the audacity to point out some facts that Sen. Elizabeth Warren left out of a Twitter post she made.

Speaking of Twitter sewer rats. I had a couple of ultra liberal followers of mine making fun of people of faith in one thread. I simply chimed in with, “You may not believe in Jesus but Jesus believes in you and He loves you.”

Oh my Lord, it was like turning on a light and watching the cockroaches come out of the woodwork. The two of them, and all their young white liberal friends attacked me to no end and then reported me to McClatchy.

So finally, speaking of McClatchy.

Not very long after my colleague posted her photo in support of BLM, which was highly praised by Twitterdom, McClatchy’s vice president of news made an unbelievable announcement to the company, and then, of course, to Twitter.

As American cities burned in July of 2020 and BLM cozied up to ANTIFA, McClatchy announced that it was not a violation of the company’s already vague social media policy to, “Tell the world that Black lives matter.”

What the public announcement didn’t say, but what we were told, is that it was not OK to say Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter, which McClatchy determined was too political in nature. 

This, my fellow patriots, is your local media in action.

These are the facts and they are indisputable. Sadly, I’ve only offered you small slices of examples of how your local media has betrayed you over the years.

The day is coming when I reveal all, but I thought I’d share this one with you in the wake of the left’s outrageous take that America’s concern over Ukrainian suffering is based in racism.

I’ll get called a racist for calling out fake claims of racism. That’s fine because that’s fake, too. I’ve been battling the left for 30 years. I know their playbook inside and out. Slowly but surely, the rest of America is seeing it, too. That’s a start.

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