Joe Biden and the Democrats have allowed wto enter our country. This is not a joke! Biden and the Democrats have allowed terrorists to enter our country. 

Last week the Justice Department announced the capture of eight Tajiks  who are suspected terrorists with ties to the Islamic State (ISIS). It is hard to believe but Biden’s administration let those terrorists enter our country. A Biden administration official said it is difficult to know the background of some people who enter our country. Can you believe this?

Understand that Tajikistan is a country that has an administration that is hostile to our country. It is known to have a significant number of citizens who express militant Islamic views and who favor a jihad against the west. 

On a different but related note, a recent poll of Palestinians found that 67% looked favorably on the Hamas October 7th massacre of Israelis.

The Democrats are so welcoming that millions of illegal aliens are admitted into our country each year. The Democrats know that there are people  entering the country with the intention of causing harm but they still allow them to enter and IMMEDIATELY they are released and given a credit card.

I cannot make this up. This is such a dereliction of the government’s highest duty to protect its citizens. The Democrats would rather send billions of dollars to Ukraine instead of spending that money to protect us from evil doers who illegally enter our country. 

Many of the Palestinians who are shouting “Kill the Jews” in our streets are the same people that the Democrats gave an entree into our country.

American law requires that any alien seeking entry into our country who doesn’t have a right to be here MUST be detained until the case is adjudicated. Obviously, Biden and the Democrats are not following the law because they are releasing most of the illegal aliens who enter our country. 

Fortunately, the American public has witnessed Biden’s complete disregard for our safety. No one with a brain believes that the 8 Tajiks who were arrested last week are the only terrorists who have entered our country. 

Let’s pray that more innocent Americans are not killed because Biden and the Democrats refuse to protect our border.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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