MANATEE COUNTY, FL (October 6, 2022) – Manatee County debris haulers will begin their collection of storm debris Friday, October 7. For this collection, the county will be separated into western, northeastern, and southeastern service areas.
A separate contractor is responsible for each area and will determine the exact collection route. Trucks will be spread throughout the service area during the collections which will take weeks to complete.
Please be patient . . . and prepared.
Debris piles must be storm-related and should be properly separated. Vegetative debris, construction debris and appliances should all be kept separate. No fencing should be in with the trees and limbs as wood fencing is pressure-treated and must be processed separately.
Contractors cannot—and will not—pick up mixed waste. Debris collectors will not pickup storm debris that is in bags. Bagged debris will be collected by the Waste Haulers on Wednesday collection days.
The debris-hauling vehicles are large, and drivers should use caution in areas they are operating. Debris piles should be kept at least three feet away from any mailboxes, backflows and hydrants and should not be blocked by vehicles. Piles also should not be under power lines or trees.
On October 17, Recycling collections will resume on the regular collection days, and landfill hours will revert to the normal 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Tipping-fee waivers for residents bringing debris to the landfill will expire October 17.
For more information on Manatee County Government, visit mymanatee.org or call (941) 748-4501. For information about Manatee County’s Hurricane Ian recovery efforts, go to mymanatee.org/manateerecovers. And follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @manateegov