Quick bit: During an interview with Mobile, AL radio FM Talk 106.5, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) argued the Biden mandate was meant to be a distraction from the failure suffered by the current administration. | Clips

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One of the more controversial policies of the Biden administration has been the blanket vaccination mandates that apply to federal employees, federal contractors and businesses employing more than 100 people. During an interview with Mobile, AL radio FM Talk 106.5, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) argued the Biden mandate was meant to be a distraction from the failure suffered by the current administration.

“[T]hey’re shooting from the hip,” he said. “We’ve got Fauci in a hearing this week on Thursday, and we’ve got some good questions for him. For some reason, in this country, we’ve looked more at the vaccine than therapeutics of how to help it when people have gotten it because a lot of people have gotten it after the vaccine. We have, for some reason, Fauci and a lot of these so-called scientists fighting back against any therapeutics. Ivermectin is one a lot of doctors tell me that they think has saved a lot of people’s lives.”

“That being said, what they’re doing here with this mandate — they’re trying to get away from their failures — Afghanistan, the inflation, the supply chain, all of the things — they haven’t made a decision yet,” Tuberville continued. The border is actually worse.”

“So, they’re trying to keep everybody’s eye off the golden ball, so to speak, and it seems like every week, at least, they’re throwing out something that is absolutely stupid, like this $450,000 for the illegals that came in under Trump,” he added.

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