Reps. Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.) and Fred Keller (R-Pa.) on Wednesday introduced legislation that would hold accountable colleges and universities that fail to accurately report their foreign donations to the federal government. The Requiring Education Providers to Observe Requirements or Trigger Fines Act, or REPORT Fines Act, would establish a three-strike system of penalties ranging from a written warning to fines equivalent to the unreported foreign gift, and finally disqualification from federal research funding. In addition, the proposed bill would establish accelerated penalties for failure to report funding from a foreign adversary, such as China, Iran, and Russia. It would also lower the reporting threshold to include foreign gifts and contracts valued at $50,000 or more. The federal law, known as Section 117 of the Higher Education Act, currently requires institutions of higher education to report foreign gifts or contracts of $250,000 or more. During the Trump administration, under the leadership …

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