Meghan McCain has been exceptionally hard on Biden lately.

On last Monday’s episode of the ABC talk show “The View,” Meghan McCain ripped into President Joe Biden for supporting abortion as he clashes with the Catholic Church over the issue. She went so far as to say that Biden is “doing grave spiritual harm to himself” and to the United States.


McCain began by pointing out that U.S. bishops have expressed overwhelming support to deny Biden communion because of his support of abortion rights. This came after it was announced that the bishops voted 168-55 in favor of drafting “a formal statement on the meaning of the Eucharist in the life of the Church.”

“When comes to the separation of church and state, the onus is on the government, not the church,” McCain said, adding that the church will try to impede and influence whenever possible.

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McCain then called out the fact that Biden’s views on abortion rights have changed, citing the conflict between his personal opinions and his method of governing.

“If you are a devout Catholic, as President Biden claims to be, abortion is a cardinal sin that can do deep spiritual harm to you, and President Biden had been supportive of the Hyde Amendment up until 2019 when he decided to run for president,” she said, going on to explain that the amendment barred federal funding for abortion.

McCain explained that her opinion is that “abortion is murder,” claiming that she and others who oppose the right to choose must protect the government-funded “killing of the unborn.”


“It’s ultimately up to the church, but he’s walking a very fine line here, and ultimately, all of these issues are literally life and death for Catholics, for devout Christians,” she said. “And he’s going to have to ultimately talk to his creator when the time comes as we all do, and reconcile his politics with his — with his personal faith, and I believe he’s doing great spiritual harm to himself and harm to this country.”

Check out the full segment on this below.

CATHOLIC BISHOPS PLANNING REBUKE OF BIDEN? American Bishops voted to move ahead with guidance that could deny Pres. Biden from receiving Holy Communion because of his presidential support of women having the right to choose — @sunny, @MeghanMcCain, and @SaraHaines discuss.

— The View (@TheView) June 21, 2021


This piece was written by James Samson on June 21, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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