Evanston, Illinois canceled the 4th of July festivities in their city but are allowing other events to go on.


Over the weekend, Evanston, a Chicago suburb, had a Juneteenth parade and other party events and are planning a Gay Pride parade this coming weekend.

But if you want to celebrate the 4th of July, too bad for you. It won’t be happening. 

Because of Covid, you know. 

COVID-19 is always the excuse of the leftists for canceling our constitutional rights – and our celebrations. The leftists don’t want any pro-America stuff going on because that’s sure to bring out the Trump voters and lots of flags.

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The city said about their Fourth of July celebrations, “Based on concern for public health due to the unpredictability of the pandemic’s impact, vaccination rates, and in cooperation with our local authorities, the Trustees of the Evanston Fourth of July Association voted to cancel the Fun Run, Parade, Palatine Concert Band performance and Lakefront Fireworks show on July 4, 2021.”

I guess there is no COVID-19 around when you have Juneteenth and LGBT parades. 

Kinda like how there was no COVID-19 around when Antifa and BLM were rioting and there were George Floyd protests going on. The leftists pick and choose what we can do and when and where COVID-19 affects people.


The statement about canceling the 4th of July events was made in March but the city hasn’t changed their decision even though they’ve allowed the other celebrations and even though the amount of cases has drastically fallen due to the Trump vaccines.

It’s clear to see that American celebrations are super spreader events and fascist rioting is not.

And, of course, we certainly don’t want to celebrate a bunch of slave-owning and Christian white guy racist Founders and Framers who came up with some crappy Constitution which doesn’t allow the government to rule over us like Democrats would like to.


This piece was written by Liberty Paige on June 21, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com and is used by permission.

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The post This Illinois Town Just Proved to the Rest of America How Much Liberals Hate This Country appeared first on WayneDupree.com.

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