This will be the most insane story you’ll hear all week.

A lobster diver in Massachusetts was literally swallowed whole by a Humpback Whale near Cape Cod.


According to the diver, he was just going about his business when all of a sudden everything went pitch black for him.

He quickly realized that he was inside of the whale as he could feel the inside of the creatures muscles contracting around him.

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After wriggling around in the whale’s mouth for a bit, he was finally spat out and was quickly rushed to the hospital.

Thankfully he only suffered soft tissue injuries.

From The New York Post

Commercial lobster diver Michael Packard was going about his business off the coast off Provincetown, Mass. when he was swallowed whole by a humpback whale — trapped in its gullet for nearly a minute before being coughed back up, according to a report.

Packard, 56, was about 35 feet below the surface near Herring Cove Beach at 8 a.m. Friday when the massive mammal tried to turn him into breakfast, the Cape Cod Times reported.

“All of a sudden, I felt this huge shove and the next thing I knew it was completely black,” Packard told the outlet. “I could sense I was moving, and I could feel the whale squeezing with the muscles in his mouth.”

Stunned, his first thought was that he’d been snapped up by a great white shark — and was done for.

Packard told the local CBS News affiliate that he thought to himself “This is it, I’m gonna die.”

“I was completely inside [the whale]; it was completely black,” Packard told the Cape Cod Times. “I thought to myself, ‘there’s no way I’m getting out of here. I’m done, I’m dead. All I could think of was my boys, they’re 12 and 15 years old.”


Not many people have been swallowed whole by a whale and have lived to tell the tale.

This guy. will have a lot of good stories to tell people at parties, that’s for sure.

I wonder if he’ll still be in the lobster diving business after this?

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