Trump Wins Big
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Trump Wins Big

In 2020, the Democrats were worried that Bernie Sanders would capture the Democratic nomination to run against Donald Trump. They forced several Democrats like Harris and Buttigieg out of the race and coalesced around Joe Biden.  Once Biden was chosen they began to realize that he had experienced significant cognitive decline. They ordered him to…

Trump: The Better Choice For America
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Trump: The Better Choice For America

The Manatee Herald endorses Donald Trump for President of the United States. The past 4 years have been an exhausting time for those who support freedom of speech and opposition to racism. Kamala and Joe have constantly refused to repudiate anti-semetism and have openly supported racist policies by enforcing DEI policies. They have constantly tried…

Federal Government Employees Don’t Go To The Office
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Federal Government Employees Don’t Go To The Office

Everyday, millions of Americans go to work and provide sustenance for themselves and their families. We all recall the saying, “An honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work.” This saying does not apply to many federal government agencies. Since the advent of the Covid crisis, the federal government workforce has vacated their offices, gone…

Jon Lynch, The Right Choice For School Board
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Jon Lynch, The Right Choice For School Board

The Manatee Herald endorses Jon Lynch for Manatee County School Board District 3 seat. Lynch is a native of Bradenton and a Manatee High graduate. Lynch has spent the last 24 years building his career in the marine industry. Lynch utilized the On The Job Training program at Manatee High and is a prime example…

Gene Brown, The Best Choice For Bradenton
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Gene Brown, The Best Choice For Bradenton

Sometimes in politics there is a no-brainer endorsement for a political office. The City of Bradenton gives us an example of a candidate that is so more qualified than his opponent that one would expect the mercy rule to be enacted. Gene Brown has served as Mayor of Bradenton for four years which followed the…

Doctors Are Getting Rich Doing Transgender Surgery On Children
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Doctors Are Getting Rich Doing Transgender Surgery On Children

Kamala and Tim Walz are proud that Minnesota has become a state that is a “trans refuge” for children. Young children have their bodies horribly mutilated for life so Kamala and Walz can claim they are “woke.” It is sad that many members of the medical industry are performing “Mengele-like” operations on children in order…

Kamala Does What She Does Best: Screw Americans
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Kamala Does What She Does Best: Screw Americans

We have often discussed how inept the Democrats are at running our government. The Biden Administration never disappoints in their ability to elevate the concerns of big corporations ahead of the needs of Americans who live in rural areas.  The Wall Street Journal recently reported on the “Broadband Fiasco” that Kamala has helped unleash on…

Leftist Professors Gain Control Of The United Auto Workers Union
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Leftist Professors Gain Control Of The United Auto Workers Union

The United Auto Workers (UAW) has been the primary voice for the auto workers in the United States. Founded in Flint, Michigan in 1935, the union was organized to negotiate  for better pay and working conditions for auto workers.  Sadly, the UAW has strayed far from its original roots. Terry Bowman, a UAW member, recently…