Palmetto Youth Center, A Community Asset
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Palmetto Youth Center, A Community Asset

The Palmetto Youth Center was founded in 1957 to provide an outlet for physical development for children of color. The original facility consisted of four walls with no roof. Fortunately, the vision over the years of community leaders like Seymour Sailes, Willie Clemons, Ruby Fobbs, Floyd Roundtree, Harold Morgan and countless others has evolved into…

Don’t Let The Woke Ruin Our Country
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Don’t Let The Woke Ruin Our Country

How much “woke” are we as a nation going to accept? It seems every month the elitist college professors tell our nation how we should change our behavior and become “woke.” Stanford University is the latest elitist education institution to give the poor uneducated “flyover” people an updated vocabulary list. Of course, the first word…

Biden’s Appointees Have Little Business Experience And We’re Getting Hosed
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Biden’s Appointees Have Little Business Experience And We’re Getting Hosed

Do you wonder why so many of President Biden’s policies end up hurting our economy? The policies seem to be lacking in common sense business principles. The Committee to Unleash Prosperity recently released a report by Stephen Moore and John Decker that highlighted the absence of business experience in most Biden appointees.  “Based upon a…

Tales from the Mark Side: Merry Christmas Manatee County and America!
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Tales from the Mark Side: Merry Christmas Manatee County and America!

By Mark Young ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the White House. Only a single creature was stirring and it was a louse. The Biden stockings were hung by the chimney with care, Joe really believed that St. Nicholas soon would be there. Joe Biden was restless in his presidential bed, while…