Rush Limbaugh’s Legacy: Stories and Perspective From a Friend

Rush Limbaugh’s Legacy: Stories and Perspective From a Friend

America said goodbye Wednesday to conservative talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh, who revolutionized talk radio, will be remembered for his intellect, sense of humor, and bold rhetoric.  Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center, was good friends with Limbaugh. Bozell joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to share stories about how the…

Cuomo Revelations Should Embarrass Media

Cuomo Revelations Should Embarrass Media

The media’s deep arrogance about the Democrats’ superior standing as the Party of Science and Competent Government when it comes to the coronavirus is personified in New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He has been hailed for many months as a wonderful role model, an inspiring anti-Trump. Somehow, each and every tragic coronavirus death was laid…

Free email templates for recommending website security

Free email templates for recommending website security

Once a website gets launched, security can be an afterthought. According to a report last year from Sucuri, about 15% of people who build websites for clients don’t ever mention website security. Some 6% don’t bring it up until after the site gets published. Recommending website security can fall by the wayside. In a way,…

Entrepreneur + activist: GoDaddy Q&A with Maya Penn

Entrepreneur + activist: GoDaddy Q&A with Maya Penn

Today we’re speaking with Maya Penn, a fashion entrepreneur and environmental activist. Her company, Maya’s Ideas, is focused on sustainability in order to combat the damaging impact of fast fashion on the environment. Maya is a keynote speaker, sustainability consultant, three-time TED speaker, artist, global activist, animator, filmmaker, social entrepreneur, coder and author. She has…

Rush Limbaugh’s Rare Voice Extolled Individual Liberty and Limited Government

Rush Limbaugh’s Rare Voice Extolled Individual Liberty and Limited Government

It was news that talk radio devotees, among whom I long have counted myself, had been anticipating—make that dreading—for months. But when the news broke Wednesday shortly after noon EST, that didn’t make it any less hurtful. When a Limbaugh came on the radio at the usual time and it was not Rush but instead…