Something’s Up….Chris Wallace Just Ripped Kamala Harris Limb From Limb…

Something’s Up….Chris Wallace Just Ripped Kamala Harris Limb From Limb…

After this latest move from Chris Wallace, you have to wonder if he’s not working with Team Biden to take down Kamala. The reason I say this is because a couple of days ago, OANN reported that their WH source said that after the border visit, a fed-up Kamala would start playing “hardball” with Team…

[VIDEO] General Flynn Warns of Next “False Flag” That’s Coming…

[VIDEO] General Flynn Warns of Next “False Flag” That’s Coming…

It’s no secret that the Dems are up in arms over the AZ audit. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Liberal media is having meltdowns over it, Pelosi is ramping up her “Jan 6th rhetoric” like crazy, and the DOJ is even getting involved.  MORE NEWS: Newly Leaked State Dept. Documents Place…

LISTEN: Leaked Audio of Britney Spears’ Hearing is Released…What She Says Will Literally Blow You Away

LISTEN: Leaked Audio of Britney Spears’ Hearing is Released…What She Says Will Literally Blow You Away

What’s happening to Britney Spears is a human rights issue. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! I don’t care if you like her or her music – that’s not the point. What the entertainment industry is doing to this woman is mindboggling. They’ve literally taken her life away. MORE NEWS: Watch This…