
LISTEN: Leaked Audio of Britney Spears’ Hearing is Released…What She Says Will Literally Blow You Away

What’s happening to Britney Spears is a human rights issue.


I don’t care if you like her or her music – that’s not the point. What the entertainment industry is doing to this woman is mindboggling.

They’ve literally taken her life away.

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She’s forced to work, forced to take birth control, forced into everything and anything, and she has zero control and zero say over her own life.

How can this be allowed to go on?

It’s been 13-long-years that Britney has been controlled by the industry by way of her father, and through all of it, she’s been ordered to tell the world that everything is okay and she’s happy.

She’s not happy.

And now that she’s in court, and fighting to have the “conservatorship” removed, the truth is spilling out, and Britney, for the first time, has told the public what is really happening to her, and it’s is down-right bone-chilling.


You can listen below:

It’s high time that Britney Spears is set free.

And we all need to understand how and why this happened to her, and we need to make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else ever again.

Nobody should be forced to ingest birth control, or forced to work.


This is called being a “slave.” And those of us who know Britney’s work, remember that she had a song about that called “I’m a Slave For You…”

Oh, the irony.

The post LISTEN: Leaked Audio of Britney Spears’ Hearing is Released…What She Says Will Literally Blow You Away appeared first on WayneDupree.com.

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