Menopausal Democrats Could Not Use Abortion To Win The Election
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Menopausal Democrats Could Not Use Abortion To Win The Election

The recent Presidential election may have been the last gasp of middle to upper age college educated white women who believe that unlimited abortion access is the most important issue our nation faces.  Kamala and the menopausal elite were convinced that making abortion a central issue of the election was a winning formula. Some of…

Pollsters Missed The Mark
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Pollsters Missed The Mark

Our recent election exposed the failure of American pollsters to predict the outcome of the Presidential race. The New York Times/Siena College Poll, the Cooperative Election Study (CES) poll, Selzer & Company and the NPR-Marist polls were consistent in showing more support for Kamala than actually occurred.  How did so many polling groups miss the…

Vote By Mail Helped Trump Defeat Kamala
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Vote By Mail Helped Trump Defeat Kamala

The “vote by mail” option had a huge impact on the recent Presidential election. Trump had railed against mail-in voting because he believed that Democrats abused the practice  to orchestrate his defeat in 2020. Ironically, it was a Democrat activist that helped the Republicans realize they needed to adapt to the mail-in voting option or…

California Under Newsome Screws The Working Class
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California Under Newsome Screws The Working Class

California and Gavin Newsome have gone “all in” on increasing the cost of gasoline for California residents.The American Automobile Association reports that the gas prices in California are $4.44 per gallon. This is $1.38 higher than the national average.  Does an extra $1.38 per gallon have an impact on  wealthy Californians like Gavin Newsome and…

DEI Policies Helped The Democrats Lose
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DEI Policies Helped The Democrats Lose

America has voted and we can now begin turning the page on the Democrat’s racist DEI policies. Christopher Rufo has spent several years uncovering the ways that racism has permeated the Democrat Party. Once Biden entered the Oval Office in 2021, he allowed the leftists in the Democrat Party to push DEI policies into countless…

Government Programs Waste Taxpayer Dollars
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Government Programs Waste Taxpayer Dollars

I recently visited the Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) Presidential Library in Austin, Texas. From 1964-1967, LBJ strong-armed Congress into passing a plethora of government welfare programs that  became known as The Great Society. LBJ had witnessed many Americans living in poverty and he believed that the government should solve the problems of the poor. Democrats…

Bradenton PD Puts The Cuffs on Accused Violent Sexual Predator
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Bradenton PD Puts The Cuffs on Accused Violent Sexual Predator

The Bradenton Police Department’s Crime Reduction Team (CRT) recently arrested a 70-year-old fugitive from New Hampshire, wanted on multiple counts of felonious sexual assault on children. In September, Bradenton Police located Duncan living in a vehicle and notified Campton investigators. Detectives approached Duncan and established a cordial relationship with the suspect to keep tabs on…

The Democrats Blame The Voters
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The Democrats Blame The Voters

Our Democrat friends have been attempting to explain away their election loss to Donald Trump, whom they claimed was worse than Hitler. The explanations are plentiful. Some say the right wing media (X and Joe Rogan) was too powerful a voice to overcome. Some Democrats say that too many Americans are racist or sexist. Some…