Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: COVID restrictions violate our natural rights to personal liberty
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Judge Andrew P. Napolitano: COVID restrictions violate our natural rights to personal liberty

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the government and medical personnel have scared the daylights out of so many people that they take comfort in complying with government commands to stay home, shut their businesses and socially distance.FOX News Read More

Jimmy Fallon Calls For Unity Amid Capitol “Terrorism”; Dan Rather Summarizes Trump Supporters’ “Coup”

Jimmy Fallon Calls For Unity Amid Capitol “Terrorism”; Dan Rather Summarizes Trump Supporters’ “Coup”

Jimmy Fallon condemned the acts of violence in Washington D.C. on Wednesday when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. “Today was not patriotism, today was terrorism,” the Tonight Show host said during his somber opening. Fallon referred to the attacks on the U.S. Capitol Building by MAGA fanatics that interrupted the Electoral College Certification process. The…