A New York judge dismissed on July 7 a lawsuit filed against a prominent meme creator by the parents of two toddlers, footage of whom was used in a meme shared by then-President Donald Trump in 2020. New York State Supreme Court Judge David Cohen granted motions to dismiss the case brought by the Trump campaign and by Logan Cook, a prolific creator of viral memes who supports Trump. The meme in question used a video of one toddler running away from another overlain with a CNN logo and chyrons reading “Terrified Toddler Runs From Racist Baby” and “Racist Baby Probably a Trump Voter.” The screen then fades to black and a message reading “what actually happened” after which an unedited video in which the toddlers hug in the end appears. The idea of the meme was to show how the media manipulate the truth to attack Trump and Trump voters. …

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