We’re losing our military, folks.


This is how all great empires collapse…from within. Look at Athens and Rome.

Meanwhile, China is on the rise, and we’re focused on genders and Dr. Seuss books.

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Our government wants to pump communist “Critical Race Theory” into our kids minds, and the Chinese are getting stronger and more agressive.

We have generals and military leaders who are more worried about flying a “Gay Pride flag” than actually standing up to our enemies.

And these are all the things that Mark Levin talks about with Senator Tom Cotton.


Cotton says the Military needs to focus on real wars, not “culture wars.”

Levin says we’re being lied to, in terms of what’s going on in the Military.

Levin says the biggest lie about what the “woke generals” are saying now, is that “white supremacy”is an issue in our armed forces – when in fact, the military is one of the most diverse and non-exclusionary places on earth – a placed that only judges people on performance, not skin color.

But. now, the military upper-brass is trying to indoctrinate the rank and file with this same communist “Critical Race Theory” that the Dems are trying to pump into our kids.

It’s the wort-case scenario imaginable.

You can watch the video below:

If we don’t act, and act fast on what’s happening to the military, we will chalk this up to yet another loss to the left…and probably our biggest and most significant one yet.


If we lose the military, we’re done for.

The post [VIDEO] Mark Levin Reveals The “Big Lie” We’re Being Told Right Now About Our Military appeared first on WayneDupree.com.

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