Honestly, right now, I am sick and tired of so-called conservatives getting on national television and acting like liberals when it comes to breaking down what they are protesting.
Example: Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Liberal shows (radio talk shows/network news) bring on uninformed conservatives voices who have been propped up by social media to explain why they are against CRT, and they are bombing at it. What are they doing when asked the question? They are turning it back on the host as if that is a way to show the audience why it shouldn’t be taught in our schools.
Their actions are doing a disservice to the conservative movement because we are going or have made the turn. There’s no more common sense or logic from the main voices getting public time. They don’t know why they are conservatives, but it’s cool to say they are conservative. They don’t know why they are against CRT; it’s just the thing to say for clicks and likes.
Again, watching this bastardization of common sense should be called out, but conservatives, as I mentioned before, seemed to have turned the corner on common sense.
Marc Lamont Hill is a loudmouth liberal who enjoys speaking progressive talking points and usually picks out the weakest voices to prove he’s smarter than the conservative movement as a whole. He has been bringing on black voices to explain why they are against CRT, and it’s been a complete joke. Vernon Jones and CJ Pearson have failed to explain their reasoning for being against it, and I can’t be the only one who sees this happening.
Jones (former Democrat turned Republican) even went to the name-calling default when he got flustered. I like Vernon and have interviewed him a couple of times but not breaking down the problems of CRT for a liberal audience was disappointing. As a black man watching another black man failed to explain his position, knowing he’s a candidate for Georgia’s Governor’s seat poses a serious question for me. Is this thing serious.
How hard is it to say: CRT is a school of thought that generally focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities. It’s that simple. Just saying you are against it is not enough. CRT also divides Americans by race and traffics in the pernicious concepts of race essentialism, racial stereotyping, and race-based segregation—all under a false pursuit of ‘social justice. Most know this, and it needs to be shared with liberal audiences, so they know too.
Young conservative CJ Pearson, a young man who imitated Rep. Ted Cruz in his earlier years and was given a huge platform, claims he’s been on many panels dealing with the ills of CRT but couldn’t name one book or source for Hill’s audience.
This is not GOTCHA! This is a time to explain and show the liberal audience we know what we are talking about and handle solutions.
These conservatives’ voices were praised for their appearances on Hill’s show, and many felt that they destroyed Hill and his CRT topic.
The truth? They didn’t. If you spent a few minutes watching each of the segments, they had the time to explain, and they couldn’t, and that can’t be overlooked.
The post If You Don’t Know How To Explain Your Protest Of CRT, Sit Down And Give Mic To Someone Else! appeared first on WayneDupree.com.
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