The scandal engulfing Great Britain concerning the ongoing rape of children by Muslim men is a testament to what occurs when DEI is allowed to take hold in a society. When DEI is established in a society, it becomes unacceptable to report or state anything that causes a protected class to feel uncomfortable.
When this mantra takes hold in a society, the absurd becomes an acceptable norm. 25 years ago in England, reports started to surface about Muslim men having intercourse with young under-age females. This was occurring at a time of Muslim atrocities and terrorist attacks around the world.
The leftist establishment was attempting to show the world that it must be tolerant of Muslims. This group of leftists decided that if they investigated the charges of sexual abuse by Muslim men, it might cause embarrassment to many Muslims.
The reality is that Islam scriptures allow for sexual abuse of captive women. A significant number of Muslims believe that Islamic law allows Muslims to have non-consensual intercourse with non-Muslims. It is hard for Westerners to wrap their minds around this barbaric notion.
Imagine if a Presbyterian minister told his congregation that rape of Catholic women was condoned by God. The very thought is reprehensible.
The British authorities, including the current Labour Prime Minister, knew the public would become enraged if it became aware of these rapes of minor children. The current British Prime Minister was the chief Prosecutor at the time this became known and he decided to sweep the allegations “under the rug” and he ignored the pleas of the victim’s parents.
This occurred at a time in parts of Great Britain where Muslims had settled and become 10% to 20% of the population. These Muslims decided to ignore English law and instead started to rely solely on Islamic law.
We have seen similar acts by leftist Democrats in the United States. It is deemed acceptable to mock Baptists or Catholics, but it is deemed unacceptable to speak about the darker practices of worshipers of Islam.
The public is starting to push back against this ridiculous double standard. Many Muslims have fled to America to escape the unrest in their countries. Why should we allow them to bring their abhorrent practices of sexual abuse to our country?
A recent poll showed a rise in antisemetic beliefs around the world. This is not surprising to Americans when we see many of our young people be taught the anti-semetic doctrine on our college campuses. One reason for the rise of anti-semetism in America is that we have allowed many Muslims to enter our country. When the Muslim population reaches 5% to 10% in a geographic area they begin to dominate the politics in that area. In these areas, the radical Muslims begin to disseminate their hatred of Jews and any Muslims that disagree are forced to stay silent.
This is what happened in Great Britain where this evil practice of raping young girls began to be accepted. The vapid response of elected officials and the news media’s refusal to investigate the rapes will be a stain on Great Britain’s reputation for centuries. Let us refuse to allow this to take place in our country.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald